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Everything posted by zoeck

  1. Just replace if($page->hasChildren() || count($page->siblings(false))) with if($page->hasChildren())
  2. <?php namespace ProcessWire; $showsidebar = 0; // Set $showsidebar to 1 if the page has children or siblings if($page->hasChildren() || count($page->siblings(false))) $showsidebar = 1; if($showsidebar) { // Code with Sidebar } else { // Code without Sidebar } I think this should work, untested ?
  3. Just have a look ? It is not adjustable via the admin panel as far as I know. Only via this workaround
  4. I have also been using Latte for a few weeks. Thanks to Bernhard ? It's just so awesome to use latte. But you also learn new tricks every day. I'm looking forward to the public version of RockFrontend (by the way a brilliant module ? thanks again Bernhard!)
  5. On one Website, i use "wowBook", but it's not free and unfortunately also requires jQuery... Have also been looking for a better solution for a long time.
  6. Megapixel is Not the Filesize ? It defines how many pixels an image has 2 Megapixel = 2.000.000 Pixel = approx 1731*1155 (= 1.999.305 Pixel)
  7. I think it‘s the „Maximum Megapixel“ Configuration ? it‘s set to 2MP, it‘s too low for your Image ?
  8. Just open your PW Admin Panel -> Modules -> Install Language Support Languages Support - Fields Languages Support - Page Names Languages Support - Tabs
  9. Can you shortly explain how you use latte in PW? Do you use the "Template Engine Factory" module for this? Latte sounds very interesting!
  10. I think this has to do with your time zone ? Do you have the Language Support module installed? If yes, go to Administration -> Languages and select the appropriate language Then edit the "wire--modules--languagesupport--languagesupport-module.json" file and set your locale in "C" (example: de_DE.UTF-8) Can you post a timestamp as an example?
  11. zoeck


    I think Wanze no longer uses PW, it was written here somewhere... "LAST VISITED October 23, 2021"
  12. Nice Page! But why didn't you just adapt the admin theme to the CI? Thanks to @bernhard this is now very simple ? https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.179/
  13. Is there actually another possibility other than this module to predefine templates for pages (or defined parents/templates)? I need exactly this function, but there have been no updates for this module for a long time ?
  14. I trink the popup is a new repeater Matrix function ? (released in october 2021) https://processwire.com/blog/posts/new-repeater-and-repeater-matrix-features/
  15. Not tested ? echo $p['select_countries']['id'];
  16. Just Connect to your old database and Save your entries as Pages ?? o
  17. Off topic, but shouldn't the decimal field be used for a price (not float)?
  18. The article is not very interesting, except for absolute beginners ? It only describes how to install PW and then create a "web business card" with 2-3 fields. The comments are the typical WordPress comments ? And yes, I have already left my thoughts as a comment ?
  19. I think a repeater matrix field would be perfect for this ? Then you can set a headline and a content type, these can be added by the editor or a normal repeater with table field (i think it's easier for the editor) (repeater matrix and table field are ProFields, So you need a license for it) But it would also work without ProFields Just create a repeater with the headline field and in the repeater an additional repeater with 2 fields (Name and Fee) Repeater1: Repeater2: And the Final Result:
  20. Check out this thread ? Do you have your database charset set to utf8mb4?
  21. Oh my God, I was able to "solve" the problem. Just checked this function with a user on his PC and the problem did not occur. It is caused by the "Enpass" (password manager) plugin from the browser. After disabling the "Passwort Manager Popup Function", everything is working again ? I think it's a known Problem: https://discussion.enpass.io/index.php?/topic/27897-enpass-browser-extension-steals-focus-in-webform-when-using-iframes/
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