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Everything posted by zoeck

  1. In your hook posted above you use “indexPages()”, but the correct one would be “indexPage($page)” without the s at the end. Your hook creates a completely new search index each time, not only for the changed page but for all pages. You have to use something like this (not tested) $wire->addHookAfter('Pages::saveReady', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); $event->modules->get('SearchEngine')->indexPage($page); $event->wire('log')->save('Page saved', "Page ID: $page->id / Page Name: $page->name / Page Parents: $page->parents"); });
  2. Have you checked if your server supports mod_rewrite? You can check this with phpinfo(), then simply search for rewrite.
  3. Check the console of the browser dev tools, you should see an error in the console in the Dev Tools.
  4. You can also do this with the Pro modules. They are just PHP scripts like other modules. And you get access to the internal support forums of the corresponding pro modules. Of course you can also just buy the modules and not use them to support Ryan 😉
  5. In most cases I would agree with you 🙂 but i think that it is a very special case that is adapted to our internal processes 🙂 However, it is often the case that users first ‘collect’ items in their cart and then order them together. Example: The user has a new mouse and keyboard in the ‘hardware cart’, but he knows that he would like to add a headset, but needs to find out more first. The purchasing department has announced a ‘collective order’ for company clothing, the employee would like to order something as well and therefore places the order for the clothing directly. There is also a specific shop where recurring weekly orders are placed (food), so this plays an even greater role here. But I think I'll have a look at the ‘partial checkout’ topic, I think that should be implementable 😉 Then only a single cart would be necessary.
  6. Ryan posted an (license) update on this in August 🙂
  7. I think that could work 🙂 Would it also be possible to make a "partial checkout" which only contains items from "category A" or "category B"? Although I think there would then be problems removing only the ordered items from the shopping cart
  8. Hehe 🙂 Here you realize again how versatile Processwire can be used 🙂 This is relatively easy to explain. I am currently using a self-developed system in our company intranet, which is ok (the usability is not perfect), but doesn't have as many functions as RockCommerce. We have individual “self-service” stores that run separately from each other. Examples: Company clothing, office equipment, hardware The Products should not be mixed, even if they could theoretically be filtered individually afterwards. The orders are processed by different departments.
  9. Wow that looks great Bernhard! I have one question. Is it possible to have several stores with separate carts in one PW instance? I think I have to test the module soon (luckily I have a RockSuite license 😄 )
  10. You can create a custom PHP Configuration: https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/stable/users/extend/customization-extendibility/#custom-php-configuration-phpini You can test something like this: File - .ddev/php/my-php.ini [PHP] display_errors = On; error_reporting = E_ALL;
  11. You can check the online status here: https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/kuenstlerischepraxis.at As Gideon So wrote, you should contact your hoster to find out what's going on.
  12. zoeck

    PHP Hosting

    That's right 😉 Normally, every Internet connection should support IPv4
  13. zoeck

    PHP Hosting

    Just have a Look at https://all-inkl.com/en/ I have been there for many years and am extremely satisfied. The admin panel (“KAS”) looks a bit old-fashioned, but it does what it's supposed to. The only disadvantage (if there is one) is that there is only IPv4 and no IPv6. The support is extremely fast and competent if a problem occurs, even at night!
  14. Thanks Bernhard for your example, I'll have a look to see if I can implement it like this 🙂
  15. The interesting part is actually steps 1 and 2. Step 3 is just a check by the user that all the data entered is correct Step 4 is the confirmation that the information has been saved. I have created a small mockup here, I think you can see what the form does.
  16. For example, I have a case where I select a period in days in step 1 of the form. In step 2, the user should then be shown 3 checkboxes for each day that they can select (morning, midday, evening). While I'm writing this text, I'm not sure whether I need the forms-multiplier plugin at all. Is it possible to display a dynamic number of checkboxes in groups in a 2nd step with RockForms with a MultiStepForm? If that would work, I could also use RockForms without the additional plugin 😉
  17. Hello Bernhard, since I am currently revising some functions on a page, I would like to partially renew a few forms that currently run via their own scripts. I have encountered a problem where I don't know exactly how to implement this with RockForms. I have the possibility to add any entries in a form, I have also seen that there is a plugin for Nette Forms. Is it possible to use the forms-multiplier plugin in RockForms, or is there another way to implement this? Thanks 🙂
  18. Hello Bernhard, I have a question about RockCommerce. I think I actually need exactly the possibilities that RockCommerce offers, i.e. ordering items and offering a price with information etc. But the customer should not pay for it. That sounds strange, but I would like to use the shop for an internal self-service portal 😉 Is that possible?
  19. With the new version everything works again, thank you @bernhard 🙂
  20. Hi @bernhard, I think i have found the cause of the error, i changed the Line 184 in RockFrontend.module.php to: require_once __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"; Just checked "$this->path" and it's null?
  21. Hello @bernhard, I have just installed the RockFrontend update to v3.23.1 (form v3.21.2) in my dev environment. Unfortunately, my Processwire frontend no longer works at all. The whole thing has always worked without problems until now, my dev environment runs with ddev (Windows WSL2). The problem occurs from v3.22.0 onwards. ProcessWire\WireException Unable to load Latte File: /site/modules/RockFrontend/RockFrontend.module.php:2390 2380: // for regular page rendering we want the auto-prepend-layout feature 2381: // but for RockPdf rendering we don't want it. 2382: if ($this->noLayoutFile) $withLayout = false; 2383: else { 2384: $withLayout = $file === __DIR__ . "/default.latte" 2385: || dirname($file) . "/" === $this->wire->config->paths->templates; 2386: } 2387: 2388: // load latte and return rendered file 2389: $latte = $this->loadLatte($withLayout); 2390: if (!$latte) throw new WireException("Unable to load Latte"); 2391: return $latte->renderToString($file, $vars); 2392: } 2393: 2394: /** In the log file: rock‑frontend 29‑10‑2024 12:32:24 https://mypage.ddev.site/ Class "Latte\Engine" not found When I install v3.21.2 again, everything works again without any problems. Is there anything else that needs to be taken care of when configuring the new versions? Thanks 🙂
  22. Thanks Bernhard, now the Ajax endpoints also work with .latte as file extension. 🙂 👍
  23. Okay, that's weird… I tested it in my DDEV environment: Created the following Folder/files: templates/ajax/zeitbuchung/ajaxtest.php -> working templates/ajax/test.php -> working templates/ajax/test2.latte -> not working, Error 404 Content of the files is only "test" Checked the URLs in the Rockfrontend Config: Then testet the Endpoint /ajax/test2.l Working -> Endpoint: /var/www/html/site/templates/ajax/test2.latte /edit found the problem: // RockFrontend.module.php private function ajaxEndpoints(): array [..] // attach hook for every found endpoint [..] $url = $baseurl . substr($endpoint, strlen($folder), -4); The -4 is the problem 🙂 https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend/commit/064e37c0bfd4f9ae8377ae122e1b5426b18d52ee#diff-8223503ce304ec3ee54457dad412baf3a6f8701f67cd6fce3422de398e68907aR667
  24. Hello Bernhard, extremely nice feature! I need just such a function 🙂 I only noticed one small thing, in the documentation it says that it must be a PHP file in the AJAX directory, in the Rockfrontend Config it says the following: I also tried it with a .latte file and that didn't work. Is this function still missing or is this just a wrong text? Thank you for your great modules!
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