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zoeck last won the day on July 6 2022

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About zoeck

  • Birthday June 12

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    Bavaria, Germany

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  1. Have you changed the variable “$config->httpHosts” in your config.php so that it contains your local url?
  2. And in the log files from the web server? Are there any entries there?
  3. Have a look at the log file of your web server to see if an error message appears. There are also log files from Processwire in this directory: \site\assets\logs It may be a problem with the PHP setting max_input_vars (that the maximum number has been exceeded)
  4. I don't think there is a coupon code for the ProFields, at least I'm not aware of one. But with your purchase you are supporting Ryan, the developer of Processwire.
  5. It looks as if you are still using the old function in the _main.php file (line 6). At least that's what it says in the error message site/templates/_main.php (6): RockFrontend->styles()
  6. You should add some more information. Which PW version is used? Which language pack are you trying to install?
  7. There is also the Croppable Image module
  8. Do you have the domains in the config in an array or as a string? That's how it should look: $config->httpHosts = array('domain.one', 'domain.two', 'domain.three');
  9. When I look into the code of the module, there is no way to set “sender_reply” via a function, except via the module config. But there are some Workarounds: Or the easier version via the mail header: $mail->header("Reply-To", "your@replyto.address");
  10. It should not be a problem to import the comments via the Processwire API. There is also a thread on how to do this here:
  11. Looks like the same problem 🙂 Add this to the config.php file: $config->sessionFingerprint = 12;
  12. You can find the 2.7 Versions here: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/tags But it looks more like you are using a less compiler (lessphp) somewhere in the templates, and it is trying to access the wrong path.
  13. Have you adjusted your URL from the web server in config.php? Does the url in “$config->httpHosts” match?
  14. In your hook posted above you use “indexPages()”, but the correct one would be “indexPage($page)” without the s at the end. Your hook creates a completely new search index each time, not only for the changed page but for all pages. You have to use something like this (not tested) $wire->addHookAfter('Pages::saveReady', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); $event->modules->get('SearchEngine')->indexPage($page); $event->wire('log')->save('Page saved', "Page ID: $page->id / Page Name: $page->name / Page Parents: $page->parents"); });
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