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  1. I found the root cause. I disabled in my CKEditor the anchor plugin. If you take a look into the InputfieldCKEditor.module file you can see there is a check if the anchor plugin is disabled the HTML Purifier option "Attr.EnableID" is also disabled. self::$purifier->set('Attr.EnableID', stripos($this->toolbar, 'anchor') !== false); // for anchor plugin use of id and name attributes Is there a possibility to override that configuration, or must it be changed directly in the InputfieldCKEditor.module file?
  2. I have exact the same problem. My field config is Textarea (Mult-language, default body field) CKEditor ACF and HTML Purifier is on Custom Config Options: allowedContent: "p{text-align};h2[id];h3[id];a[href];ul;ol;li;strong;i;table;thead;tbody;tr;th[scope];td" After I disabled the HTML Purifier option, the ID in the <a> tag isn't filtered anymore. But that wouldn't be an option for me. The extraAllowedContent option also doesn't work. :( Are there any other workarounds?
  3. Hey adrian, many thanks. It works now!
  4. Hello. First off all, thanks for that great module. My problem is the combination of the TemplateEngineFactory module and the PageProtector module. Both modules don't work together. The problem is the Page::render, unfortunately both modules define a after hook. The TemplateEngineFactory always overwrites the PageProtector hook. [Page::render] => Array ( [0] => PageRender->renderPage() in PageRender.module [1] => PageProtector->protectedCheck() in PageProtector.module [2] => TemplateEngineFactory->hookRender() in TemplateEngineFactory.module.php ) When I remove the TemplateEngineFactory module everything works correctly and the login page is displayed. If both modules are acitve the login page ist not displayed. Can someone help me? Both modules should work together... Thanks!
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