First up, a massive thanks to Ryan, the developers and community on this great CMS.
We have spent the last 4 weeks looking at the best option for a client and it looks like ProcessWire will be the choice. We ignored the top 3 (Drupal, Joomla, WordPress) but spent a lot of time with Grav, Hugo, Concrete5, October and PimCore before we arrived here. I am not saying some of these are not great as well, but sometimes the best CMS is the one that matches your needs the most.
I can't tell you how much of a pleasure it was to find your CMS and community
So, one of the things we have seen that our client likes a lot is how many other systems handle Image and Asset Library. They like to be able to upload many 1000's of images, PDF's that get used on many different Pages. Content Editors can quickly find images from a tree/directory/tag structure and Drag and Drop over onto their pages.
My question is anything like this on the roadmap ?
If not, then does anyone in the community have a pointers or ideas on best practise to implement this ( a module? ) or is it something ( a use case ) that does not sit well with the way Processwire wants to be architected?
Again, fantastic work folks, we are really enjoying Processwire and looking forward to looking at the ProDrafts & ProForms modules as well in a few weeks.