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Everything posted by webhoes

  1. I can not get them to go to PW unfortenately. I would be able te rebuild the whole site in PW except for some specific import code that imports data from other (older) used windows application. I have no experience with that. I agree it would be cheaper for them in the end if I would rebuild it. Basicly because I am a volunteer for this organisation and not a third-party. Data views looks promising. I can make views with datasets I need and access them within PW. Basic setup would be like this Drupal -> PW <- Visitors It would hide the Drupal site from the general public and potential threats as this site has the sensitive information. The PW site would be the front for visitors and will serve as an attractive and informative website.
  2. I am not sure what you mean @kongondo. It is drupal 7 with some of the public modules installed and some custom. They register animals on this website. These are clustered in specie specific groups (studbook). Per animal they note some data. I think there is also some bloodline comparison functionality. This does cost them a lot of money on a monthly basis for support from the developer. All this functionality in PW would save them a lot of money.
  3. That would be great, but they have had custom modules made for drupal. They don't want to abondon them unfortenately.
  4. another question. A foundation has 2 websites. An old joomla site that contains article and a drupal website that contains back-end information about animals. The joomla site is too old to do somehting with it. My first intention was to include the article to the drupal website as a front for their current website. That way I can use the back-end data also on the front-end. But.. is it also possible to use a PW website for the front-end (all the articles, etc) and get some data from the drupal site to display on the PW website. Like the number of animals registered, etc. I find it easier to make a good front-end for PW. The drupal website can be moved to a subdomain and the PW site to the main domain. How can I pull data of the drupal website and do something with in in PW? Or is this a for from optimal solution?
  5. I did not find it in the topic. Probably missed it. I you use a different domain to enter the admin you get an error. That was the hint to add them to the config.php...
  6. It is solved finally. Used the multisite by @Soma I did not find in the documentation that I had to add all domains also to site/config.php. When I did that, all worked like a charm.
  7. I looked at the multi-site module but was not sure I could do it with that. I will make a test setup. Is something like this possible? if($page->domain != this page url then force $page->url as domain Basicly if the domain does not equel that of the field then load the page with the corresponding domain of $page->domain
  8. Hello, I am working on a website that has 4 domains. 3 are a alias to the main domain. I want to achieve the following. Home - domain A Child 1 of Home - domain B Child of child - domain B Child of child - domain B Child 2 of Home - domain C Child of child - domain C Child of child - domain C Child 3 of Home - domain D Child of child - domain D Child of child - domain D Basicly I made a website with a home and 3 onepager that contain different pages. How can I achieve that if you go from home to "Child 1 of Home - domain B" the domain changes in the url?
  9. I was already working on something like that... _func.php function renderChildPages($items){ $out = ''; foreach ($items as $item){ $i = $item->template->get("name"); switch ($i) { case "diensten": $out .= renderDiensten($item->id); break; case "activiteiten": $out .= renderActiviteiten($item->id); break; case "over": $out .= renderOver($item->id); break; default: //; } } return $out; } function renderDiensten($page){ $output = ''; $output = ' <section id="services"> <div class="container"> <div class="heading wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="300ms"> <div class="row"> <div class="text-center col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2"> <h2>' . $page->title . '</h2> <p>' . $page->body . '</p> Test </div> </div> </div> <div class="text-center our-services"> <div class="row"> '; foreach ($page->repeater as $r) { $out .= '<div class="col-sm-4 wow fadeInDown" data - wow - duration = "1000ms" data - wow - delay = "300ms" > <div class="service-icon" > <i class="fa fa-flask" ></i > </div > <div class="service-info" > <h3 >' . $r->title . '</h3 > <p >' . $r->body . '</p > </div > </div >'; } $output .= $out; $output .= '</div> </div> </div> </section><!--/#services-->'; Return $output; } Template <?php echo renderChildPages($page->children); ?> </div> The childpages on themselves work fine, but getting their values in the foreach is not working yet...
  10. I want to make flexible onepager website. The tree as follows: Home (seperate first page not to be in the onepager) Page 1 (template 1) Child 1 (template 2) Child 2 (template 3) Child 3 (template 2) Child 4 (template 4) The children need to be outputted in the order as in the admin. The templates (2,3,4) just contain the code for that particular section. All the main layout is in _main.php. I tried several foreach loops but none work. This an example of my last try... <?php foreach ($page->children as $c){ $out .= wire('pages')->get($c->id)->render; } echo $out; ?> I just can't output just the content of the template of the child pages within the parent page (Page 1). Can anyone give me some input towards a solution...
  11. I got it working with this code <div id="content-region" class="content pw-replace"> <?php if($_GET['regio'] != Null){$result = $_GET['regio'];} else {$result = '1404';}; ?> <section> <!--Eco blog--> <div class="eco_blog_section"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <!--Eco blog column--> <div class="eco_blog_detail_content col-xs-12"> <label> <h3>Kies een regio</h3> <select onchange='document.location = (document.location.href.split("?")[0] + "?regio=" + this.value )' value="GO"> <?php foreach($page->children as $r){ echo " <option value ='" . $r->id . "' " . ($r->id == $result ? 'selected': Null) . ">" . $r->title . "</option>"; } ?> </select> </label> <?php echo $map->render($pages->get($result)->regio_verspreiding, 'map'); ?> <div class="regios"> <h3><?php echo $pages->get($result)->title; ?></h3> <?php echo renderVerspreidingRegio($pages->get($result)->regio_verspreiding); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--Eco blog ends--> </section> </div>
  12. I tried $input but that generates an error with the search form _main.php. Therefor I changed it to $inputs. The output of the form/list box should be an page ID that is used in the function for the google map and the second function. That is the idea what I came up with. It seems I also need jquery to refresh the page after an selection is made...
  13. Hello, I have a page with a google map and a function that renders blok of a field regio_verspreiding on all childs of that page. I want a list box where I can select the childeren. For the selected child I would like to see the map and show the output of that function only for that selected child. It is this page: https://chrysemys.nl/regios/ I put back the old code for now as example. I tried this, but I am quite stuck... and get is get to work. What should I change? $map = $modules->get('MarkupGoogleMap'); ?> <div id="content-region" class="content pw-replace"> <section> <!--Eco blog--> <div class="eco_blog_section"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <!--Eco blog column--> <div class="eco_blog_detail_content col-xs-12"> <label> Kies een regio: <select name="r_selector"> <?php foreach($page->children as $r){ echo "<option value='{$r->id}'>{$r->title}</option>"; } ?> </select> </label> <?php if ($inputs->get->r_selector) { $section = (int) $inputs->get->r_selector; // Add this to your selector string $selector .= ", r_selector={$section}"; // To make the pagination work, add the section get variable to the whitelist $inputs->whitelist('r_selector', $section); } ?> <?php echo $map->render($inputs, 'map'); ?> <div class="regios"> <?php // echo renderVerspreidingenRegio($pages->get($r)->regio_verspreiding->each); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--Eco blog ends--> </section> </div>
  14. webhoes

    Chrysemys nl

    I did that also this morning. I will check later today if there are still some pages that are missing markup. It is not template bases as from the same template some pages work and a few not. I could not find a distinct pattern in this.
  15. webhoes

    Chrysemys nl

    I had the same issues with some pages just now. After a save of the page they are fine. Strange. What should I check for AIOM to see what could be the issue?
  16. webhoes

    Chrysemys nl

    I know @dragan. I tried to fix that a couple of times but got it right.
  17. webhoes

    Chrysemys nl

    I am currently working on the caresheet page. Perhaps AIOM was refreshing/rebuilding at that moment.
  18. webhoes

    Chrysemys nl

    Thanks @adrian! I expect that too... What did you found wrong with the css?
  19. I am trying to get an unique array with this code $voedsel = Array(); $voedsel = $pages->find("template=schildpad, schildpad_caresheet=$page->title")->id; $result = array_unique($voedsel); For array_unique I get the following error in Tracy: PHP Warning: array_unique() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given in... I want to put the unique array in a custom function that makes a list with an image and title. What am I doing wrong?
  20. The charjs solutions looks great for the front-end. fieldtype matrix look a much for just to hold some simple data. I can make a repeater field that contais one field for every month and a fillable title. In _func.php I can make a function that renders the js script based on data available on that page. Logical?
  21. Hello, What are the options if I want to implement charts on a page on the front-end. The data will consist of rows with different temperatures and columns with 12 months and an average. I was thinking of using repeater fields to hold the data. But I am open to suggestions.
  22. webhoes

    Chrysemys nl

    @Juergen are you using a linux distro? The font type used is not a default on linux and gets substituted by a different font. That is what's causing this. I will either change the padding or take another font. @szabesz I changed the flip cards and they look better now. Execpt for the long names...
  23. webhoes

    Chrysemys nl

    No it isn't. This was already in the template. Gradually I will make changes for the better. This one is on the list...
  24. webhoes

    Chrysemys nl

    This is by design. I was already in the template. It has something nice but could also look wierd. I have used as little as possible sofar.
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