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  1. Right, of course. PW 3.0.229 I'm not adding any new module new, just adding a new language "languges -> add new". The site has repeater matrix 0.1.1 installed (I suspect this has something to do with the dynamic field name "data102819") I think I'm mostly looking for some guidance on the underlying data model so I can look if something is seriously wrong or if i can leave this as it is.
  2. Hi there, I got these errors when adding a language. I'm not sure what it means, if it is something to worry about. I can't spot any errors or problems in the site itself. many thanks
  3. Fantastic! Looking forward to try this somewhere this week!
  4. I found that it's possible to render nested blocks! I was hinting at this already, but wanted to double check: So, I was wondering if it would be possible to make a "link group"? A visual group that I can drag other blocks into (image, text, video) that wraps the element in an <a> tag, then I could use subgrid to place the nested items according to the real grid - but i think ...not possible, right? It would be amazing if i could place some image and text anywhere in the grid, group them and link them (so the hover can affect both the image and the text) - but I'm guess this is a bit too much at the moment? Just checking. If I make a custom block, then the relationship between the text and the image has to be fixed, somehow.
  5. its on the $page->title field on the front end, but only when logged in - no big deal
  6. The menu is handy for switching between breakpoints (mobile, desktop, etc). Also it seems like the only way to toggle and view the tree view. The tree view is useful for selecting stuff - it can be finicky to try to select things in the page itself. Although I don't want my client to start changing margins and typefaces, then things will deteriorate quickly :P
  7. If I'm logged in the $page->title field gets filled with some html - so I get a strange <title> field, such as: If i log out, its back to normal j
  8. aha! its if you hide styles the settings this top thing also disappears.. is there a way to keep the top menu but hide styles?
  9. After playing around a bit with the page grid i see that I no longer have the menu with the settings and breakpoints (toggle tree view, etc) is it a setting somewhere or a bug? tx!
  10. oo i see, thanks i guess i cant wrap things in <a></a> - but thats a limitation i can live with
  11. Hey hello, I've got most stuff working, but I can't figure out how to make links. I add a reference, then I try to drag things inside that reference with the aim that these images and texts will be linked. But I can't get it to work. I also tried dragging an image inside the reference in the tree-view. Also, as soon as I add a reference I get "Do you want to leave this page?" even though everything seems saved, but that's maybe less important for now.
  12. Ah yes, indeed - I had forgotten to set the path on the root page (home) to allow the second language. Now the page-language switch works, and also editing a richtext with individual languages. Page grid seems to work rather splendid with multiple languages. Nice!
  13. Testing new install Warning: Undefined array key "inlineLimitPage" in /var/www/html/elephant-test-pagegrid/site/modules/FieldtypePageGrid/FieldtypePageGrid.module.php on line 481 then when i try to download the default block modules i get ProcessModuleInstall: Module install option “download” - This install option is currently disabled. To enable, edit file /elephant-test-pagegrid/site/config.php and specify: `$config->moduleInstall('download', true);` to enable always …or… `$config->moduleInstall('download', 'debug');` to enable in debug mode only Even thought the site is in debug mode. I added the lines above and it got the install to work. Great! Now i'm stuck on languages - can the rich text be translated? I added my languages and I get this tab: But it doesn't seem to do anything. I tried making pg_text and pg_editor multilanguage, but it didn't make any difference, as far as I can see: thanks again! j
  14. I tried to delete everything and reinstall, and now it works but I only have a couple of blocks. I think I need to make a fresh install :)
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