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Posts posted by onjegolders

  1. Welcome to the community! I would definitley go with Diogo's approach here.

    I often set up what I call "Home Blocks" and then pull them into my home template using a foreach loop.

    You could either use pages with a template of Home Blocks like





    Home Blocks

    - Home Block

    - Another Home block

    - Another one

    and then pull in all pages with that template or you could use repeaters and let the user add as many on the home page as they like.

  2. I agree with Matthew about reusing code from different projects.

    I think user/membership models could be a really interesting module for PW as it comes up quite a lot and I know for a fact it's possible in Processwire, perhaps a good one for this community funding idea?

    • Like 2
  3. Very impressive Kongondo, looks great.

    If there were a way of combining the two steps into one (adding new items & arranging items) I think it would be a better experience for the user. 

    1) Add a new item

    2) Choose from a dropdown whether it's a native page or external

    3) Add item and item details.

    I can understand that with required fields it may be harder to achieve all of this from within the item boxes.

    The other slight improvement would be if the page tree remains open when an item has been clicked?

    But it already looks like a great addition to PW :)

    PS Love the music!

    • Like 1
  4. I am a fan of the default but we were looking for something a little more modern and I agree somewhat with Pete about colours.

    This is Nikola's Ergo theme (without the added sidebar), I think it's a nice clean, modern layout and design, a nice alternative to those who don't like pink ;)


  5. Thanks Ryan,

    The context would be, like you said, a first time adding of a password for a user. Except a page (student) is being mapped to a user. So if the admin wants to update a student's password, they could also do it from the student page.

    Obviously making it required will be unhelpful because it's only required once, unless the password field had some way of knowing that it hadn't been overriden this time but that it was set and not "blank".

    I think failing that, the best way is for me to make it not required and the admin will have to remember if someone can't login, it's probably because they failed to assign them a password.

  6. Sublime is just a fantastic tool. It's one of those where I just literally cannot imagine a code editor that betters it for most needs.

    It's really fast, you can find anything with a shortcut, you can multi select, select all, it looks gorgeous. Money well spent I'd say.

    • Like 1
  7. Any idea why I may be getting a blank box with no available inputs? I have definitely selected the fieldtype and the same settings provide a list using AsmSelect.


    I am getting a console error;

    Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'on'

    on this line


  8. Hi Nikola,

    I also just discovered this theme - not sure how I missed it before - really beautiful and functional.

    I actually moved the "latest" sections content to below the Pages/Setup/Modules/Access items. As slick as the collapsible sidebar was, it just seemed like unnecessary use of screen real estate to me. This way I can still see it and I can easily set the width of main content area to 95% of the screen width which helps to simulate the look of the front end of the site which uses RWD.

    Thanks again for my new favorite theme!

    EDIT: One thing I noticed is that page number buttons on the users page (yes I have more than one page of users) are still pink/grey and need styling to match the theme. 

    One thing I've learned trying to tweak some of the CSS here is JQuery UI is a nightmare! Nikola's done an amazing job I think as when I'm trying to change some of the background colors or colors of labels or inputfields I nearly always end up screwing it up elsewhere.

    Here's a screenshot of how it's looking full screen without the latest news sidebar


  9. Hi Nico,

    Would it be possible to make it so that when pages are in trash, clicking delete permanently deletes the page rather than "re-trashing" it?

    Either that or perhaps not show the link when a page is in the trash?


    • Like 3
  10. Ahh... the ProcessPageDelete module by Nico. Works fine here.

    Again, it depends on what you set the hook, this module does trash the page and not delete it.

    True, the problem I seem to get is any page I use the "delete" shortcut on which is already in the trash gets "re-trashed" not deleted. 

    This isn't actually only related to my student pages but any pages. I guess that maybe Nico's intention. But it's a bit confusing if so. Perhaps that link shouldn't show for pages in the trash.

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