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Everything posted by donatas

  1. Thanks, @monollonom, that actually did it! I am very grateful for your tip. Now only to make translation .json files to be shared like that too as this is multilanguage site.. They are saved in the same /site/assets/files/ directory, but your shared hook doesn't seem to affect them. I wonder if there is a way. Probably need to hook to a different event related to translation saving in the admin.
  2. Hi, I am trying (wondering if even possible) to set a very different file folder path for my PW install. The path I want to set exist in the same server, but in another domain. Can the PW API see that far into file system? It is a shared hosting environment so no permission management options available. Also can this be achieved through .htaccess redirection? If you request a file (images mostly, but translation json files are important too) from `domain-A.com/site/assets/files/` to grab them from `domain-B.com/site/assets/files/`? I would prefer to do this through PW API, I can see the function `$config->setPath()` but it didn't work when set in config.php like `$config->setPath("files", "/domains/domain-B/public_html/site/assets/files/")`. Is there some other option to do this? My ultimate goal is to have two PW installs on different domains but one is just a "mirror" that is using the same database as the other and should use the same files structure if editors upload any images to the main (domain-B.com) website. I could use domain parking function but it then needs a more expensive SSL certificate for two domains , which I am trying to avoid if possible ? (I'd like to use single domain Let's Encrypt certificates, thus I need to PW installs). Would appreciate any insight! Thanks!
  3. Hi. Something from this thread has worked for me in the past - https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9322-change-default-language-for-homepage/?do=findComment&comment=89925
  4. I have some trouble using setting() function - the setting() returns nothing in an included file. I set the setting() inside a function - could this be the culprit? _inti.php file, that is auto-included: function calendar($source){ setting('calendar', $source->id); } include_once('./_head.php'); _head.php file, that returns nothing for this setting: <?=setting('calendar')?> Is there an option to make it "global" from inside the function? API functions are turned on, and those that are set "statically" (not within function) and works fine.
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