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Everything posted by Stewrat

  1. Ryan, Nice and simple! Many thanks, worked a treat. Stewart
  2. Hi. I have successfully managed to set up client login pages etc. thanks to the detailed help in this form. I am now looking to add a simply 'logout' link for clients. I can use the standard admin logout link, but I would like to ceate a page that matches the rest of the site. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Stewart
  3. Excellent! I knew it went in there somewhere. Much appreciated, it now works a treat. Stewart
  4. Hi. I am trying to add the tag rel="prettyPhoto" whilst editing a field with TinyMCE. For example - <a href="image1.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto"><img src="image1_th.jpg" alt="text" border="0" /></a> However the rel="prettyPhoto" is getting stripped out. when I save the page. I am hoping that I can modify the TinyMCE advanced settings somewhere but so far have had no luck. Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks, Stewart
  5. That worked a treat, many thanks. I take your note about what formatting my client may be alter but I will take that chance. Clients tend to be quite creative when it comes to messing up layouts / design.
  6. Hi. I am trying to add a couple of extra formatting options fo a client. Using the note above I added - justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright to theme_advanced_buttons1 I guess that I need to add something to the 'valid_elements' field, however I am not sure what to add. I tried a couple of 'p align' elements but without success'. The justify buttons appear when editing the content, the content displays correctly when editing (i.e. left, centre, right etc.) however when I look at the html code, the markup is missing. When I save the page the alignments are ignored. Any help would be appreciated. I took a look at the TinyMCE website for help, but after about half an hour and endless pages of config, my brain started to hurt. Thanks, Stewart
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