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Everything posted by cspeeds

  1. Haven't touched CMS for 7+ years but now due to various needs and limitations I need to select a CMS and have it rolling in about 3 months. I, not a coder but OK with a few edits/copypaste scripts, wanted something that's simple for everyone yet capable for specific needs. It's popular knowledge that everyone can use WxxdPres, but I'm unsure how to make it work for me. Upon googling for comparisons and alternatives I ended upon a "10 Best" post (2009) on webdesignledger.com. ProcessWire wasn't on the list but someone comments it lastly in 2011. Thanks to the PW DEMO site (exactly what I need) , and videos: I'm glad that you made them pragmatical (not marketing butterflies) and thank you all for making this work. (currently instaling/learning/reading/forum digging)
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