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Nick Belane

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Posts posted by Nick Belane

  1. On 8/1/2023 at 3:27 PM, franciccio-ITALIANO said:

    The code <?=$page->type_menu?> is supposed to call a processwire field, but it doesn't work and processwire goes crazy, sending me a serious error message. Where do I go wrong?

    As you said: "<?=$page->type_menu ?> should call a Processwire field...".
    But you want to include a page and not a field.

  2. 12 hours ago, olafgleba said:

    @Nick Belane Hi, fixed it but haven't found the origin of the issue. I just downloaded the latest PW (3.0.184 by the time) and replaced the wire directory, index.php and htaccess by hand.

    But as the current master meanwhile is 3.0.200, try to repeat the upgrade steps. Maybe there is no issue with this particular upgrade. Even though, you should be save to replace the mentioned dirs/files by hand (Nonetheless i recommend backing up all relevant folders).  

    Thank you! The 'by hand'-way works.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi,

    On desktop everything works fine: Chrome, FF, Edge shows webp
    On mobile (IOS) nothing works at all: no webp and no fallback jpg/png in no browser

    PW Version: 3.0.142
    .htaccess: AddType image/webp .webp
    $config->useWebP = true;
    $config->contentTypes('webp', 'image/webp');

    ImageMagick 7.0.8-25

    Cleared cache!

    Any ideas??

    Thank you

  4. Excellent work Wanze, thank you very much!
    What do you think about moving the seo-stuff in a new tab in the page editor like MarkupSEO does?
    So it would be completely detached from the content tab. Content and SEO separated.



  5. On 3/29/2018 at 10:30 AM, maxf5 said:

    I am using the module on various multilingual sites and it's working fine!

    When you have Jumplinks installed it sometimes hits an 404 on /sitemap.xml even though the link/sitemap is working.
    Do you have to create an extra page and template  (xml header) for it?

    I have the same "issue".
    sitemap.xml is working properly but throws a 404 in jumplinks.

  6. Hi Robin,
    I added "LinkFilesMenu" to the "CKEditor Toolbar" settings field and the icon appear in the toolbar.  But it doesn't show the pdf files when I click the icon. No dropdown.
    Do I have to name the file-field in a special way?
    It's a multi-language site.

  7. Ah, thank you. Now it works.
    But I don't get it. I thought the namespace must defined on the top of the page. Just one time.
    I have set this in the header include.

    Do I have to set the namespace in every include?

  8. Hi everybody!

    The following code is an include in different templates and works fine:

    <?php if ($page->id != 1) { ?>
    <div class="container">
    	<div class="breadcrumbs hidden-xs hidden-sm" role="navigation" aria-label="<?= __('Sie sind hier'); ?>:">
    		<span class="blue"><?= __('Sie sind hier'); ?>:</span>
    			foreach($page->parents() as $item) {
    				echo "<span><a href='$item->url'>$item->title</a></span>"; 
    			echo "<span>$page->title</span>"; 
    <?php } ?>


    But if I remove the first if-statement "$page->id != 1" it throws an error:
    "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function __()"

    Probably it has to do with the foreach loop.
    I am not the best in PHP :-)

    Thanks in advance


  9. Thank you kongondo, very helpful!

    In the first model (single Category) you create for each Department a different template. Why?
    Isn't that a bit overkill if you have e.g. 30 Departments  (If any department-template have identical fields)?
    Why not use one template for all departments and filter another way?




  10. Thanks for your answer!

    • Yes, I want to know the number of downloads for a few pdfs (separately for each file)
    • No, I don't need to track separately for each user.

    This is the site and the page "downloads":


    There is one template with different fields.

    One field (type:file, name:downloads) contains all the pdf-files of the page.

    The body-field contains the links and the copy-text.
    Something like that:

    <p>Muster-Baubeschreibung für Asphaltarbeiten<br>
    (Stand: 01/16)<br>
    <a class="pdf" href="/site/assets/files/1020/muster-baubeschreibung_asphalt-16-1.pdf" target="_blank">Muster-Baubeschreibung Asphalt 16-1</a></p>

    The following would be easier and more dynamic, but not so flexible for my customer:

    $liste =" ";
    $liste .="<ul>";
    $pdf_files = $page->downloads;
    foreach($pdf_files as $pdf_file) {
        $liste .="<li>{$pdf_file->description}<br><a href='{$pdf_file->url}' class='pdf'>{$pdf_file->name}</a></li>";
    $liste .="</ul>";
    echo $liste;

    The best solution for us would be something like that in the backend:

    file-a.pdf  (321)

    file-b.pdf  (222)

    file-c.pdf  (123)

    Danke für die Geduld! ;-)

    Grüße Nick

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