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Marty Walker

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Marty Walker last won the day on February 10 2015

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About Marty Walker

  • Birthday 01/13/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Katoomba, AU

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Community Answers

  1. I knew I'd be the odd one out. When I load the page I get this: https://vimeo.com/673a4bb0d4 (404)
  2. I've noticed vimeo have started to use /'s in their urls which doesn't seem to trigger the embed module. Is there a way around this? Example: https://vimeo.com/941494474/673a4bb0d4
  3. Hi Adrian, I've changed my setup it since I posted it but I would like to get this working. This is how I had my options set up. The 'Portfolio' page also has the Page Protect option enabled for user 'portfolio'.
  4. Hi @adrian, Long time no speak. Quick question. I'm using this method to insert the form into my web page: if($page->protected) { echo $page->loginForm; } else { // show some $page images here } The form shows up and I'm able to login but it then shows nothing beyond where the form sits, even if I refresh. Am I missing something? Cheers Marty
  5. Hello, I'm getting out of web design and development and I'm looking to get hold of an AU-based PW developer to send some clients to. I'm not looking to overseas developers at all. You can DM me here. Cheers Marty
  6. @kongondo Looking forward to seeing v2! I have v1 but I'll wait to see v2 before I move my shops away from snipcart and bigcartel.
  7. My apologies. It was an access issue for that user group - CI3 wasn't selected. Thanks for your help. - Marty
  8. This is how I'm calling FEEL: echo $page->feel(array( "text" => "Edit your page", "class" => "fixed center", "fields" => "title,artist_business_name,body_artists,artist_address_01,artist_address_02,artist_address_suburb,artist_address_state,artist_address_postcode,artist_website,artist_facebook,artist_twitter,artist_instagram,artist_behance,artist_dribbble,artist_email_public,artist_phone_studio,artist_phone_mobile,artist_categories,portfolio_images,pinterest_button" ) ); I get the initial modal appearing and I can see all the CI3 fields but when I click on a pre-defined crop I get pushed to the page tree.
  9. Thank you for this module, it's very easy to implement. I was wondering if there's a chance this could be tweaked to work with Horst's CroppableImage3 (https://modules.processwire.com/modules/croppable-image3/). When I click a crop to re-edit I get pushed back to the page tree.
  10. Would anyone be interested in forking and working on Fredi as a paid gig? I have Fredi running on a big-ish client site that's PW 2.6 and I need it to run happily with v3. Or are there alternatives?
  11. I use this from time to time when I absolutely have to: http://mobiledetect.net/
  12. Hi, One of the sites I created has had a complaint from their host saying that some ace files are being used to send spam. I'm wondering if anyone has had that problem before. These are the files they thought were suspect: The files we have found sending spam are listed below. '/home/mountvic/mail/mountvicflicks.com.au/adam/cur' '/home/mountvic/public_html/site/modules/TextformatterHannaCode/ace-1.1.5/demo/kitchen-sink/docs/c_cpp.cpp' '/home/mountvic/public_html/site/modules/TextformatterHannaCode/ace-1.1.5/demo/kitchen-sink/docs/cpp.cpp' '/home/mountvic/public_html/site/modules/TextformatterHannaCode/ace-1.1.5/demo/kitchen-sink/docs/objectivec.m'
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