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Klenkes last won the day on May 16 2021

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About Klenkes

  • Birthday 10/18/1960

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    South Germany

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  1. Happens when setting the title field to frontend editable.
  2. Mhh... it does! It returns NULL frontend and backend.
  3. Hi @kongondo It's late, but a few facts. I don't have a multilanguage site. Just the Language Module installed for a second language in the backend. I like the backend in english(default), clients have the option for german. That means: the only installed language modules are LanguageSupport and Processlanguage. So no Language Textarea or other field that support another language. I will try to install Padloper without language support, and if it works, install it later.
  4. Hi @kongondo I had to know... I tried to install the same installation on my remote server with exactly the same result. 😢 The install of Shop results in the first error, and after refreshing the page it goes away. The install of an option results the first time in: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'padloper.field_padloper_description' doesn't exist and any subsequent attempt always results in this one: (padloper_tax_rates) Field may not be named 'padloper_tax_rates' because it is already used by another field (104: padloper_tax_rates) The tables created look like this: (if it helps) Sorry for the trouble...
  5. Hi @kongondo Thanks for your reply. I tried refreshing and Clear Compiled Files, but no success. The Shop page however looks fine after refrehing. But then I am not able to install any options on the Shop admin page. Not one not more. It always results in the same error: Field may not be named 'padloper_tax_rates' because it is already used by another field (104: padloper_tax_rates) The Shop page works and shows me all the available option to install, but after the error noch option is checked. Tomorrow I will try to install it on a remote server where my other websites live. Maybe it is something with my local environment... I will report back!
  6. Hello @kongondo I purchased Padloper this afternoon and was eager to test it out. Unfortunately due to errors I am stuck. PW 2.0.242 on PHP 8.2.10 with only Language Support Module installed and one second language. This is what I get when installing Shop: As you can see, the SHOP menuitem in Admin is there. So I ignored the error and tried to install some of the shop options, and got: Out of clues I tried different PHP versions... but no success 😢 Due to sufficient database backups I always can go back to pre-installs. Any hint?
  7. @bernhard In order to get RockCommerce running I need RockMoney to run. Right? But unfortunately it throws a fatal error: Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Class "NumberFormatter" not found in D:\xxxx\processwire-rockcommerce\www1\site\modules\RockMoney\RockMoney.module.php:58 I suspect more dependencies? Like Composer needed?
  8. @herr rilke Practically the first thing I did was to change the display of the settings through adding my own CSS. Load your own CSS to the backend and try: .rpb-settings table tbody {display:grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr);} .rpb-settings table tbody td {display:block;} Looks something like this: CSS is sometimes better than a whole lotta change to code!
  9. @MarcC Got by any chance the module EMO EmailObfuscation installed? I once had the same problem and it was EMO.
  10. You could always add your own stylesheet in /site/init.php like this: $this->addHookAfter('ProcessController::execute', function (HookEvent $event) { $this->config->styles->append("/site/templates/css/adminstyles.css"); });
  11. @FireWire I had to logout and login again. Then all fields were visible in the module config. At first the Language Associations fieldset wasn't there, and Fluency Options. Now it works as expected!
  12. @FireWireSorry, but the DEV Version doesn't work at all for me... After the upgrade I went to the modules settings page and configured everything. After I hit save the following error message appeared: There are no translation buttons in page edit shown. No other error messages. The fields for the default language like in previous versions is missing? Mhh...
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