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Everything posted by obesegiraffe

  1. RT @pinupteacher: *looks over at dying plant*You too, huh?

  2. I have sims so it's like having a family.

  3. What refugees bring when they run for their lives by @theIRC https://t.co/9hlBOdj60t

  4. facebook is where memes go to die

  5. I WANT to like pumpkin spice lattes.

  6. What We Can All Learn From Nicki Minaj Schooling Miley Cyrus on Tone Policing http://t.co/xDo7KlREU4 via @evrydayfeminism

  7. RT @_AmyGray_: There is absolutely nothing wrong with this picture. http://t.co/4YZkXtlykR

  8. RT @aedison: I don't do work that pays in "exposure". I also don't do work that pays in "money". I pretty much just don't do work. I'm very…

  9. 12 books by indigenous women you should read http://t.co/NZEQ0AtoZC

  10. RT @nickciarelli: Fred_FlintstoneFan: do you guys think Fred is in heaven?fredhead914: absolutelyFlintStonemadman: I believe Fred Flintst…

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