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Everything posted by obesegiraffe

  1. praying that the code gods are good to me today

  2. RT @TrentWalton: I wrote my first book today. Here it is in its entirety… https://t.co/emRbyrZiUe

  3. RT @GABBYdaAngSaya: When you're filming your music video but it's leg day https://t.co/lS2onWJO5T

  4. Inside Grande Prairie: Horror and Hope in Canada’s Violent Crime Capital https://t.co/9n4qMxBmkW via @vicecanada

  5. RT @dubstep4dads: TWITTER: donald trump is a horrible personFACEBOOK: i like donald trump because im racistTUMBLR: bernie sanders choke…

  6. RT @TreeHugger: Study confirms what cyclists know: Sharrows are useless without corresponding road diet. https://t.co/J0uU2Wi9OY https://t.…

  7. RT @pressprogress: Yet another study confirms raising minimum wage doesn't hurt the restaurant industry https://t.co/eChz97nvRV #canlab htt…

  8. RT @tumblr: Hey, your friends are nice and they love you. It's okay to ask for help. (via @chirpboard) https://t.co/FUe6fql55w

  9. “The Sad State of Entitled Web Developers” by @Una https://t.co/Hb7gVJty0V

  10. RT @Tom_Vom: Hello Darkness my old friend / Join my network on LinkedIn

  11. RT @saladinahmed: There are more nominations for white men named Mark than there are for people of color across all acting categories.

  12. The sun has moved in the sky and I distrust it completely.

  13. RT @paulisci: Don't bring a Kevin O'Leary to a Rachel Notley fight. https://t.co/zba6kkx5Lx

  14. RT @sexoskeleton: Honor Bowie by doing that great/terrifying/weird/creative thing that only you can do. Even if you're scared. Today is a g…

  15. “Optimising SVGs for Web Use — Part 2” by @larsenwork https://t.co/XWxrGXcuLk

  16. Played around with that pesky pen tool today https://t.co/a77hWwGvPy

  17. RT @dannyhottubs: How much for the horse tornado?Sir, that's a carousel.I must have it.

  18. Things to do this year (I say this year so I have plenty of time to procrastinate): update my 3+ year old website.

  19. I get so jacked when I learn new web dev shit. SO JACKED. this coffee helps too.

  20. fuck it still not working properly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  21. RT @VarsityVca: TY @MattAGrant @KirkHeuser @natalieodd @Webber4Confed for a great afternoon. The best vote is an educated vote.

  22. *scream whispers*you didn't tell me shannon was gluten free what am i supposed to do with all these crackers

  23. RT @sixthformpoet: Every bed is a water bed if you cry yourself to sleep often enough.

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