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elabx last won the day on March 9 2024

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About elabx

  • Birthday 04/12/1988

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Community Answers

  1. Might there be something in the trash with that number? get() skips any access control check!
  2. I think you have to do this by hand and render each page with the table. Example from the core.
  3. Yes! Either in the TinyMCE module settings, or in each field there are options for overriding the json config of the TinyMCE instance, and you can do sth like: site/templates/assets/tiny.css is my custom css file. In all fairness, I have only tested this in the global module config, not in the individual field context.
  4. Very exciting news! Thanks for letting us know! Can't wait to see the result!
  5. Maybe use a nested hook? $wire->addHookAfter(Pages::saved(template=repeater_parent_repeater), function($e){ $e->addHookAfter(Pages::saved(template=repeater_nested_repeater), function($e){ // ProcessWire magic! }); }); Just be sure it's not executing in odd places.
  6. Fantastic idea! Thank you! I forgot about this module and FieldtypeCustom felt too new.
  7. Hi everyone! I see in this post that introduced the custom field to ProcessWire a Radios field! BUT, in the source code of FieldtypeFile this is a fieldtype that doesn't seem to be allowed, I also don't see either where this could be updated 🤔 Thanks for further answers!
  8. I asked this in the DDEV discord kinda betting there would be more interest or at least pointing to a resource, but didn't have much success. I haven't seen docker recommended for production db's and comments around web as to why this is not a good idea, can't remember details right now, just remember I have dived into this rabbit hole before. But I'd love to be proved wrong! The only tool I've taken a look at as a possible aid for using docker for production is Basecamp's Kamal and they seem to assume you will be using a managed db from a provider and mount volumes to the docker containers if you need filesystem in the application (which is mandatory in the case of ProcessWire?), but there's accessories thingy? Anyway, I'm really in the same spot as you are @TwoWheelDev 😞 Love the dev experience docker offers, would love to take that to deployment without it being too expensive hosting wise.
  9. Not sure if this might be doable with hooking into something earlier, but figured it might be convenient to have this possibility. Example, to check for an authenticated user and escape any route that has this middleware setup. Maybe this just calls for its own implementation under a single /{whatever-path}/ hook?
  10. Try maybe: if($user->language->name == "en"){ //Processwire magic }
  11. Might be easier to tell what I exclude which is: /site/assets /vendor multiple things like "site/modules/ComposerModule" , example of any module that I manage through composer rather than git. .env - I do this to be able to include config.php in version control. On my todo is to try: https://github.com/uiii/processwire to also handle PW core as a composer dependency.
  12. I'd think if you want to bring updates from v1 further into v2, which could seem the case, then maybe a fork could be a good idea and have the possibility to update it from upstream. Although in my personal experience when my expectations where just like I mention, I have always ended up releasing the fork from its relationship with the upstream repo lol but alas, that's more of a me problem haha.
  13. In recent ProcessWire versions (3.0.241+), has anyone encountered issues where certain fields are missing when searching in the admin interface? Example: I would have expected for the query to find another existing field named "tag" But this more specific query does find it.
  14. No sure if you need backwards compat but maybe try ESM for the sake of moving on with your work? https://fullcalendar.io/docs/initialize-browser-esm
  15. I am using TinyMCE to define UIkit buttons, but have come across the issue that editors end up with buttons that look like: "uk-button uk-button-primary uk-button-secondary" Because it merges all the added classes, when ideally i'd only want uk-button-primary OR uk-button-secondary I see it's discussed here what to do and didn't really understand so wanted to ask if someone knows the details on how to configure this in ProcessWire. https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/issues/4035 Thanks in advance!
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