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Everything posted by AndZyk

  1. I am on a Mac and make a daily TimeMachine backup. For my local server I use MAMP PRO and make snapshots that I upload to the cloud every few months. I export the newest database backups with TracyDebugger Adminer when I have to update a website. In the past I used the Database backups module but now I prefer Adminer.
  2. Happy to hear you found the issue. 😀 You could consider indexing the pages with a Lazy Cron or a cronjob.
  3. Hello @tires, have you tried looking in TracyDebugger if there is an error? Do you use hooks or special modules? The amount of subpages should not be an issue in my experience. Maybe there is something else going on. Regards, Andreas
  4. Hi @olivetree, my preferred structure is one template blog or news which contains children with the template post. Inside this tree I have two trees for categories and tags. Every post has two page references fields to reference one or multiple categories and tags. So it would look like this: Blog Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 ... Categories Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 ... Tags Tag 1 Tag 2 Tag 3 ... You could also use URL segments for shorter urls, f.e.: blog/categories/category1/ => blog/category1/ You can also enable a pagination or comments. Of course you can choose a different structure if you want to. 😀 Regards, Andreas
  5. If there is a new ProcessWire module in the wild @teppo will find it. Thank you for your module. 👍
  6. Hello @benbyf, yes I include the wire folder in my repo. I am no Git expert but looked how .gitignore files for other CMS are recommended here in this popular collection on GitHub: https://github.com/github/gitignore Most other CMS like WordPress, TYPO3, Joomla!, Kirby etc. recommend to add Git in the root folder and track the core folders. For WordPress now it is recommended to optionally ignore the core folders, but at the time I was looking that wasn't the case. Here are my pros and cons for adding Git in the root folder: Pros One repo for the complete website You can clone the complete website with one command Sometimes there are important files in the root, like f.e. Service Workers or Composer packages You know which version of the CMS is used You can use new functions of the CMS without keeping track of the CMS version somewhere else If someone modifies or hacks your wire folder, you could see the differences Cons More commits Larger repo But ProcessWire gets a master version only once or twice a year, so the cons are for me not noticeable. Of course as I said I am no Git expert and everybody is free to use Git how they want. 😀 Regards, Andreas
  7. I add Git in the root folder and can recommend GitKraken as app. 😀 I have a develop and a master branch and an origin remote. Our remote repositories are hosted on Bitbucket. This is my current .gitignore file: Regards, Andreas
  8. Hello @froot in the past I have imported the FullCalendar scripts like this: <script src="<?=urls()->templates?>node_modules/@fullcalendar/core/main.min.js"></script> <script src="<?=urls()->templates?>node_modules/@fullcalendar/core/locales/de.js"></script> <script src="<?=urls()->templates?>node_modules/@fullcalendar/interaction/main.min.js"></script> <script src="<?=urls()->templates?>node_modules/@fullcalendar/daygrid/main.min.js"></script> <script src="<?=urls()->templates?>node_modules/@fullcalendar/timegrid/main.min.js"></script> <script src="<?=urls()->templates?>node_modules/@fullcalendar/timeline/main.min.js"></script> <script src="<?=urls()->templates?>node_modules/@fullcalendar/list/main.min.js"></script> <script src="<?=urls()->templates?>node_modules/moment/min/moment.min.js"></script> <script src="<?=urls()->templates?>scripts/global.js?v=<?=time()?>"></script> In the "global.js" I have initialized the FullCalendar. If you want to use the non-minified scripts, then you have to use WebPack I think. But I am oldschool and don't use WebPack. 😄 Regards, Andreas
  9. Hey @bernhard, here is a little screencast in Firefox: Visit processwire.com Open the search field Enter a search term Wait for the autocomplete results Hit enter to get to the search results page I get this in Chrome, Opera, Edge and Firefox. Safari has no issue.
  10. Hello @ryan, when I am using the search function of the ProcessWire website and hit enter after the autocomplete suggestions are shown, I get to the search results page with all results shown as JSON. When I reload the search results page, the results are displayed normal. Regards, Andreas
  11. I can see the image when I enter your URL in WhatsApp. But yes, it would probably be better to validate your HTML and remove the duplicate <head>-tag. Also I would recommend using https for all your links, to avoid mixed content. You also have a unnecessary space at the end of og:image content, but that should be no problem. 😉
  12. AndZyk


    @DrewPH Glad to hear you are enjoying to work with ProcessWire. 👍 Sorry for nitpicking, but there is a left-over image from WordPress on your newest article. 😅 https://www.eltikon.online/catenary/
  13. AndZyk


    Congratulations to your new site. 👍 Just wanted to mention that your tag pages seem to throw an error, f.e.: https://www.eltikon.online/tag/trackwork/ Regards, Andreas
  14. Thank you for correcting me, I didn't knew about this option. I have been using Functional Fields since it was released, because of this and the nicer editor. Good to know that this issue was fixed. 👍
  15. Hello @SIERRA, in theory the translated string translation should be display, when visiting the translated page. In your case "Welcome to our website" should be translated when visiting the "/test-language-tn/". It is not necessary to manually switch the user language in the template file or to save it to a user, unless you want to build a different translations solution. In your screenshot I cannot find the string translation "Welcome to our website". Can you please make a screenshot with the string? Personally I don't use the core string translations anymore, instead I am using the ProField Functional Fields: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/functional-fields/ Because if you change the core string translation, all translations get lost and core string translations are not so nice for editors to edit. Regards, Andreas
  16. Hi @SIERRA, have you tried to declare the namespace at the beginning of your file? <?php namespace ProcessWire; echo __("Test"); I think it should work by adding the namespace. I manually add the namespace on every file, although ProcessWire has a file compiler which should do this automatically. Regards, Andreas
  17. @ryan On topic of the website: There is a YouTube video embedded on the documentation for multi-language fields, which is set to be private since a while: https://processwire.com/docs/multi-language-support/multi-language-fields/ Also the ProcessWire Developer Directory has still the old design and is now broken for years: https://directory.processwire.com/ ? Regards, Andreas
  18. Hello @theoretic, have you tried StaticWire? https://processwire.com/modules/static-wire/ I have used it once for a locally hosted website for a exhibition, but it worked for me as a basic SSG. For online hosted websites I always use ProCache, which is AFAIK similar to a SSG : https://processwire.com/store/pro-cache/#procache-is-for-speed-and-seo Regards, Andreas
  19. Hi @SIERRA, to avoid this "issue", you would have to extract the CSS that is rendered above the fold and insert in inline: https://web.dev/articles/extract-critical-css In the article there are some npm modules mentioned, which seem to help with identifying the CSS above the fold. But personally I have never done this, because I don't want to separate my CSS into different places. For me it is enough to minify the CSS with ProCache to get a good PageSpeed score. Regards, Andreas
  20. Thank you, I use this field on every website. ?
  21. For me too. In the past I had to manage a Contao website and Contao is since version 4 build on Symfony. So you have to use Composer for almost everything, as far as I know. They have a tool Contao-Manager which provides a GUI instead of using the CLI, but its better if you are very experienced with Composer. This website in particular had many extensions and dependencies, some of them were discontinued, which could easily break the complete Composer setup and with that the whole website. I had spend hours and days just to init, rebuild, upgrade the composer dependencies, just to get the website running on my local environment. I am glad that ProcessWire websites cannot break this easily and I don't have to be a Symfony/Composer master just to install modules. ? Of course as you can tell I am biased and maybe not experienced enough with Contao and Composer. To be fair, you can in theory install extensions in Contao without Composer. Also this just could have been a problem of this particular website.
  22. Hi @mel47, you mean show by using field dependencies? If the field is not inside a repeater field, than id=1042 would be enough. If the field is inside a repeater field I am not sure, but I think it would be possible with this module: https://processwire.com/modules/custom-inputfield-dependencies/ Regards, Andreas
  23. Hello @sebibu, you can find successful or failed logins under "Setup => Logs => Session" (/processwire/setup/logs/view/session/). You can search those logs for example by username. It should also be possible to search those logs with the API: https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-log/get-entries/ Hope this helps. ? Regards, Andreas
  24. Thank you for pointing me to the right direction. ? I don't often use hooks, but here is my current hook wich works for me: <?php $forms->addHookAfter('InputfieldFormBuilderRecaptcha::renderScript', function($event) { $url = "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js"; $value = "<script class='require-consent' type='text/plain' data-type='text/javascript' data-src='$url' data-category='functional'></script>"; $event->return = $value; });
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