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Everything posted by zota

  1. Hi! Suppose you were intrigued by this line: $field->attr('type','password'); Question is: how do you find more info on, fort instance, the $field->attr(); thing? or, in general, how do you find those specifics that don't show up on processwire's search box, neither on the Soma's cheatsheet... Thanks, Julio
  2. Ok guys, thanks! I've been there before, but was stuck seeing 2.7 everywhere, so.... err... thanks again, Now on track, Julio
  3. Yes, how to download ProcessWire 3.0.1 (alpha-4)? Ok, it's a stupid question and so on b ut I can't find it! Thanks Julio Edit: what!? 4 minutes and no reply? pwired people isn't the same anymore OR the question was really stupid!
  4. Hi! Made an install on a xampp virtual host, root directory being /home/zota/www directory. Install went smooth and at the very end I jumped into home page. Good BUT only the home page works! ( If I keep recharging the page, the funny pic changes) Trying the the link to the admin page or any other page I get the error 404 object not found. Made some twists with liberal permissions and with the browser I can run a php file on any directory of processwire (of course, processwire is not running those php files, so I got several php error messages). I'ms stuck. Any ideias? thanks
  5. aaaahhh... nice! I have to use httpUrl() instead of url. like this: $session->redirect($newPage->httpUrl()); but maybe due to my system or bad testing. Thanks a lot
  6. Can someone add something like [ about sorting query results...] to the subject post? maybe the creator?...
  7. Hi great people out here! I'm resending the user to a new (cloned) page with this: header("Location: {$newPage->httpURL()}"); It works, sure, but aren't there a more pwiredeish way of redirecting? like: $newPage ->showUpBaby ? thanks julio
  8. ok, now I know half of the answers, I was testing with intermediate pw setup and it should be beginner pw setup... sorry...
  9. Hi! I'm new here. Starting by tuts and having the same problem that Sito, 4 months ago, reported on the "hello world"'s comment section. I quote Sito: What's happening is that pw just appends the home template stuff to the generated html page. Like this: <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- here goes the expected generated page from the template planet.php from the "hello worlds" tut... --> </html> <!-- ending here --> <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- ... and here goes the home template stuff --> </body> </html> <!-- ending here --> Doing the previous tut, I "solved" the problem replacing "echo" by adding the echoes to $content var, and the 2 templates fit nice together. That works, sure, but: - The child page always inherit parents template? - I think that I should start my pw digging with "blank" template. Should I reinstall, or is it possible to change or kill the home's page template (for instance, something like killing all fields of template home?) - Seems that I missed some ultrabasic reading. Can you point it to me? Any suggestion are welcome, Thanks, Julio
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