This module is obsolete and will not be developed any further.
Please use the ImageExtra Module instead.
This module allows you to add additional informations to an image (for example: title, description, link, orientation and any field you may need). If you want to, you can install FieldtypeImageExtraLanguage to get multi-language support.
For more informations have a look at the readme.
1a. Clone the module and place FieldtypeImageExtra in your site/modules/ directory. [OR]
1b. Download and unzip it from the module page.
git clone your/path/site/modules/FieldtypeImageExtra
2. Login to ProcessWire admin and click Modules.
3. Click "Check for new modules".
4. Click "install" next to the new FieldtypeImageExtra module.
If you need multi-language support, you have to install the FieldtypeImageExtraLanguage module.
5. That's all - no settings are required but possible.
Define your custom fields
1. Login to ProcessWire admin and click Modules.
2. Open `Images Extra Inputfield` Settings.
The following fields are available by default:
orientation - image orientation
orientation values - values to use as classnames or identifiers for different image orientations
title - image title to use for title/alt tag or/and caption, if empty, the content will be generated from the applications filename
description - image description
link - image link to internal pages
If these fields are not enough for you, you can add any other field (for example _author_ and _location_)
by writing it (separated by comma) in the field otherField.
If you don't need all custom fields, you can easily disable them.
One more exception is orientationValues.
Here you can insert identifiers for classnames or similar separated by comma.
This values will be available in a dropdown list.
1. Under Setup and Fields create a new field using type `ImageExtra` or `ImageExtraLanguage`.
2. After entering the new field name and label, click Save.
3. Configure it depending on your own needs.
4. Save.
5. Add your new field to one or more Templates.
Accessing the value
This is no different than accessing the value of any other field.
$image = $page->image->getRandom();
echo $image->title;
echo $pages->get($image->link)->url
For use with TemplateTwigReplace
{% set image = page.images.getRandom() %}
Here is a litte example how to access the new fields:
// if there are images, lets choose one to output in the sidebar
if (count($page->images)) {
// if the page has images on it, grab one of them randomly...
$image = $page->images->getRandom();
// resize it to 400 pixels wide
$image = $image->width(400);
// output the image at the top of the sidebar
$sidebar = "<img src='$image->url' alt='$image->description' />" .
"<h3>$image->title</h3>" .
"<blockquote>$image->description</blockquote>" .
"<p>$image->author ($image->location)</p>" .