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  1. Not quite if this helps me..Specially for the login and register page
  2. Hello! I am developing a website/app using the ProcessWire framework. Just for testing purposes, I have created a custom index.html page which takes care of the ui for registration and login. The registration will ask the user for a few questions, and when the Register button is clicked it will register the user and possible add it to a database. Multiple users with the same information cannot be created. I am totally lost on how to do this. I have also included my index.html page for reference. It is still a work in progress. Please do let me know. I am creating something of this sort for the first time ever. Is it possible for anyone to guide me to a very good, basic, and simple starting point. If you click open the index.html page in the attached file, I want the user to be able to enter their information and after that they can access other features of the website. Attached Files tennis.zip
  3. Hello! I am developing a website/app using the ProcessWire framework. Just for testing purposes, I have created a custom index.html page which takes care of the ui for registration and login. The registration will ask the user for a few questions, and when the Register button is clicked it will register the user and possible add it to a database. Multiple users with the same information cannot be created. I am totally lost on how to do this. I have also included my index.html page for reference. It is still a work in progress. Please do let me know. I am creating something of this sort for the first time ever. tennis.zip
  4. In response to this snippet: There is a rough translation between traditional terms and ProcessWire's, which is: Templates = tables Fields = columns Pages = rows I checked my database, and the fields were created as a table. This is confusing. I am not sure of the terms because of that. I was told that a table is a template, buy myphpadmin revealed that a field was a table
  5. Hey guys, I am completely new to Processwire and I would like to know how to get started. I am completely overwhelmed with this concept. I am looking to develop websites using Processwire. Please do let me know of any help!
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