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Posts posted by pleini

  1. Hello,

    Is it possible to add custom functionality to the existing pwimage CKEditor plugin?

    In the CKEditor textarea field we are trying to customize the inserted HTML source when we insert an image. The generated HTML source of the inserted image comes from insertImage() function of pwimage plugin. We want to edit this source before inserting into the textarea.

    Do you have any idea how can we do it?

    Thank you for the help!

  2. Are there any updates on this topic? Is there a plan to develop such a field type? I would really appreciate if such a type would be implemented.

    My use case is the following:

    I have a group of fields that serve as a config for each of my templates. So i have 3 fields that are the same in every template. Currently there are two possibilities to add those fields to each template: adding the single fields to each template, or creating a repeater field and add the fields there. I am currently using the second approach which is working, but its not perfect since i only need one config per template. 

    So i would need just a grouping field where i can add/remove/edit fields inside, which are changed then inside all templates, but without using a repeater (since i only need those fields once in each template)

    hoping my usecase is clear and someone it motivated to make this possible.

    In my opinion this would be a really awesome feature and would help a lot of people.

    Thanks in advance :)


  3. Hi there,

    we just created a new website with processwire and since we set it live our database crashed because

    of too many connections.

    I checked Processwire and I have seen there are two databases:

    1) wire()->database


    2) wire()->db

    The first database seems to be used for all queries the core processwire does.

    When I debugged with getQueryLog() I have seen for a page

    2498 queries and for another very simple one 629 queries.

    We just use about 10-20 fields for a template.

    So is around 2.500 queries per page view normal?

    Most of them start with SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE

    Furthermore our database crashes because of too many connections.

    Is it only one or two connections per page view?

    There were just 30 website visitors on the page and even a caching CDN on generating 5 minutes later over 400 connections.

    Thank you for your help,


  4. Hi Nico, thank you for your reply.

    It's three PW installations with three own databases.

    I don't want to access the asset folder, I just want to change some data inside the database with the ease of PW (e.g. page titles, some fields, ...)

    No file up or downloads.

    The module you suggested is the right direction!

    But it doesn't look like I can change data with it as well!?

  5. Hi there,
    I have 4 systems:

    • system1: an independent processwire installation 2.5.3 with own database
    • system2: an independent processwire installation 2.5.3 with own database
    • system3: an independent processwire installation 2.5.3 with own database
    • cronjobsystem: In a cronjob I want to access the processwire database from the systems with the easy Processwire API access

    On the cronjobsystem:
    Downloaded processwire, but I just want this system to use the easy API and to change the database dynamically to system 1-3.
    On the server there is just

    • index.php
    • the wire folder.

    Is this possible:

    $config = new Config();
    $config->dbHost = IP_SYSTEM1
    $config->dbName = DBNAME_SYSTEM1
    $config->dbPass = DBPASS_SYSTEM1
    $config->dbPort = 3306;
    $pages_system1 = wire()->find("template=article");

    - Is this possible or what is the best way to achieve using the easy API access while the database comes from another system?
    - How can I initiate the class autoloader on the cronjobsystem?
    Thank you,

  6. @Nico thank you for your code example!
    It looks like using hooks is the best solution for processwire.

    @LostKobrakai, @diogo, @mr-fan

    It depends on how many fields you have and in my opinion it makes more sense to have

    a review template for the review page so you pack things together.

    If you review not just movies (e.g. books) it even makes more sense.

  7. Sorry for my bad explanations.

    I create a new parent page (template movie, name star-wars, url /star-wars)

    There are a couple of subtemplates now but each one should appear max 1 time:

    /star-wars/review (Template movie_review)

    /star-wars/comments (Template movie_comments)

    /star-wars/actors (Template movie_actors)


    I repeat it with a new movie:

    /lord-of-the-rings/review (Template movie_review)

    /lord-of-the-rings/comments (Template movie_comments)

    /lord-of-the-rings/actors (Template movie_actors)

    Inside the template movie I can create using the new module pagetables new pages with those subtemplates.

    I have to make sure, that each move there is

    - one review

    - one or no comments

    - one or no actors


    How can I achieve it?
  8. Hi there,

    I want to use the new PageTable field with several templates to use as subpages each with predefined page names and titles.

    There is a field "Automatic Page Name Format" but I cannot define a title for each template, it's always the same.

    So I want to make sure, the user just generates 1 subpage each template always having the same name.

    Is this possible or do I have to use a setup page hook?

    Going further this would be defining must-use titles for a template.

    Thank you for your help!



  9. Hi Joss,

    thank you, I definitly try to deliver the same content for all devices but sometimes it doesn't work out.

    Interchange looks really awesome do you know if something similar exists for Bootstrap?

    I thought about utilizing the language modules but it might be better not touching them...

    An awesome feature would be variants of fields.

    Like building a blue t-shirt page by inheriting a red t-shirt page. In this way, the user has got the abilities to extend a mobile page as desktop variant by just changing a bunch of fields he really has to adjust.



  10. Hi there,

    how do you handle responsive content with processwire?

    It's easy if you want to show the same content on every device and you just do things like

    moving boxes arround and leaving a picture away.

    But what about different content for mobile / tablet / desktop?

    So showing for some field a mobile / tablet / desktop version?h

    Inside the backend, I think it's important to fill up all 3 versions at the same place.

    What's the best way to handle this in processwire?

    Thanks for you help :)

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