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Everything posted by joer80

  1. Has your apache version changed recently? I just got a 500 Internal Server error on my Godaddy vps and this is why, not sure if this will help you or not. (My other vps worked fine.) I was doing a new processwire install, and Godaddy was missing pdo, and gd so I did an easy apache rebuild in WHM. Then the install.php file stopped loading and started throwing a 500 error. I opened up cpanel and looked in my error log and it said: .htaccess: Invalid command 'SetEnv', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration I am planning on redoing easy apache and making sure the Env module is selected! I will let you know if that fixes mine! What is bad, is it is suppose to start with your previous config, so I am not sure how this box gets unchecked! Could be a bug! **** Edit: Yes, checking the ENV checkbox did fix my 500 issue!
  2. Good to know! Should not be any problems there!
  3. So taking the newspaper example, images would probably be stored in day folders. domainname.com/content/uploads/pictures/2014/05/image.jpg So you would never run into a directory limit because that would be a lot of photos in one day. How does process wire do the default image save path? (I think wordpress does a day based path based on the page upload date?)
  4. My current project brought this question up, but I don't think it is going to be too bad, so I guess it's more of a hypothetical question so I know how to structure future projects! Maybe a newspaper would be a good example? To move to a new cms, they would need to import pages by the hundreds of thousands I would imagine?
  5. Also, if I go the non api route and pass in a url query string, is there a process wire way to escape it?
  6. I am planning out a project that will contain a lot of data imported from a csv file, but each row will need its own page. I want to be able to use the api if I can and not go an extra custom table route. My top level is going to be very small, just some of my categories may be large. Is there a total number of pages that you can hit that makes adding custom tables for the data a better option than importing the content as new pages? Thanks!
  7. Thanks for all of this information!
  8. Does using ProcessWire's API to access the db make the query injection safe?
  9. I am new to process wire and am planning on setting up my next few projects on it, but I have a few questions! On a clean install that has nothing but a homepage with a title and description, about how many sql queries are we already looking at? Also, if I want to query a database without using the api selectors, is there a way to piggyback on an open connection? Or do I need to open a new one? (If so, is there a process wire way to do it?) Thanks!
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