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  1. Unfortunately it still doesn't work. CSS files come directly from webflow.com export. Maybe I'm messing something up, but there is no too many possibilities to make a mess with. I copy this the line below and change file names. My css files are also in css folder. Don't know what's wrong. <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo AllInOneMinify::CSS(array('css/file-1.css', 'css/file-2.less', 'css/file-3.css', 'css/file-4.less')); ?>"> Should filename change after emptying the cache? Mine stays the same: css_d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.css. It's probably stupid question, but I want to be sure - does it assume that the css folder is in templates folder?
  2. This unfortunately doesn't work for me - leaves me with empty css. My PW is installed in subdirectory. Stikki fix was there already. Does any of you know what might be happening? (I'm no a good coder)
  3. EDITED OUT - found my mistake. How to add piece of html at the end of menu, before final </ul>? It doesn't execute additional echo at the end of the function. (want to add separate menu button with Call To Action) Not knowing php sucks :/
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