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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. Just checked the cheetsheet to see if you can do the job with in-built tools. Why not use unique method after appending a page to a PageArray? And on your question. If you are extending PageArray class, I think you better do it via a module. If you're just adding a function or a class you can put it in _functions.inc file (or any name you like) and include it either in _init.php (I assume you prepemding each template with this file like in delayed output aproach described here), or include it on per template basis in template file.
  2. It a graphical prototype, not a working module, is it? Looking nice (though missing some little details, such as image field gallery fullsize/thumbmail view switch button). Are you planning on developing a module?
  3. Your words indicate that some sort of organisation (probably informal and more like a friends circle) is already in place, but is unknown to majority forum users. I guess that there are some channels of communications other than public support forum that lead to it. I think you are right - making it public is a good idea. We (the broader community) could use it to address issues and organize volunteers around.
  4. I am really new to internet communities around software (or about anything else really). So I do not know how they can or should be organized (or should they - maybe some sort of anarchy is a way to go here). I do not know how PW community is organised as there are almost no written material about it. That's why I assume it is not organized (except for the moderating team, which was probably picked by most activity on the forum by Ryan). When I see community rules and guidelines I do not even know if they come from a "legal authority" or are just an opinion of an individual or a draft. I just can see Ryan liked them)) Not so long ago I participated in a discussion about cenrtralized translations for PW mentioned by Beluga a few posts above. We ended up with some questions we could not address on our own. I do not know if we could do anything else there: maybe we could write PM to someone to clear things up. As noone did step in to the discussion we just abandoned it for now. If we (who?) were targeted at community building we could easily get a working translation group there. I heard about do-ocracy, but not sure it can fully apply here as Ryan mentioned several times that he sees this community as not leaderless (and it is obviously not, as most of the development is made by him). Thats why I imagine we should define some procecces to involve people in activiries around PW in a centric organised manner (maybe I am not being clear, but it is hart talking politics in a language that is not your first one ).
  5. @teppo: In no way am I critisizing, but rather offering. All that you mentioned is well known to me as well as probably to everyone participating in the discussion. And I do understand that you bringing that up for people not aware of all that awesone activities around PW (and I think you are doing what should be done). The future of PW as a community as well as a software is of significant interest to me as I rely on both as means to make a living. And as a way to live too (in some respect of course). I thought that the question of the topic just requires this broader context of PW commuity current situation to be unswered. And took this chance to speak my mind))
  6. I am using 2.5.14. And have no idea if it is the latest and greatest or not. Could you please suggest a way to keep track of dev branch updates. Sorry for offtopic here. I am blindly going through the files on github dev branch and cannot even find those numbers there yet)))
  7. I do not know of any organization related to PW other than Ryan Cramer Design, which might be a one man enterprise (do not know anything about it). There is this forum community with admin team organised somehow (do not have any info on this either). There are people taking care of this forum software (seem like Pete is one of them or the only one of them). I can imagine mentoring programs require someone to organise mentoring, and it is likely we do not have no organised structures to cope with that. Ryan seems to be pretty busy with his outstanding job developing Processwire and probably doing some custom web design and development. My opinion is that the time is right for ProcessWire community to become more organised. There are tasks for organised community which have not been covered yet like: maintaining modules directory up to date, qulifying modules to it; organizing translation activities; making recomendations on the roadmap; actually doing some development to help Ryan; doing some marketing; writing and maintaining some documentation on PW; and mentorin talented folks of course ) I do not know how it could or should be done. I do not know anyone else's intentions on that, but it seems like some people here are willing to take part in those kind of activities (myself included).
  8. Please do, Adrian. I can't imagine living without your module anymore )
  9. I think maybe the original question was not about changing the path to the folder where templates reside, but rather about being able to put template files in different subfolders of site/templates (or something different, adjusted with the methods, described above). Although you can change the file used as template file for the template in Admin -> Setup -> Templates -> Edit Template on the Files tab, you cannot point to something like "views/product/product.php" there as far as I know (at least it did not work when I tried). You can only choose different file in template folder. It could be just great if you could.
  10. I think it is better to have your overrides as well as custom styles included in app.css to reduce http requests. This is all made easy with sass via @import. If you customize foundation, you will not benefit from framework being cashed in browser anyway. So put you custom styles in app.scss after the foundation import directives or in custom included partials.
  11. Yes, as far as I know. Maybe there is some way to overrule that, but the mainstream way is to put them in tempates site/templates folder.
  12. I can even fetch the best results for you: me and Google are your friends! https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2089-create-simple-forms-using-api/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/407-processing-contact-forms/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4998-i-need-only-a-contact-form/
  13. I do not know if it is an easter egg or our competitors intrigues, but when i write f-a-s-t a-n-d f-u-r-i-o-u-s without the hythens in personal manager, I get "Drupal and Joomla"))))))) Here too! What should I write to get "ProcessWire"? Maybe "Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Easier"?? Or "Faster and more furious"?.. Didn't work .
  14. Here in Russia the New Year's eve is much greater deal than Christmass. I know it is not the case at least in USA, probably in Europe too, but still want to congratulate all you PW community all around the world! This was my first year with ProcessWire. I want to say that this CMS and the best ever community around it was probably the one most significant thing I discovered for myself this year The recently published roadmap and the enthusiasm of the community members make me sure next year will be even more exciting. Thank you Ryan and PW addicts all around the world. Happy New Year! P.S. We got some really nice almost -20 C New Year weather. Wonder how is it now where you at))
  15. Cool! This has been waited for a long time! My limited anglo-suomi language skills do not allow me to fully recognize the meaning of the brand "Padloper". What does this mean?
  16. С рождеством! Merry Christmass! In Russia we celebrate it only on 7th of january as orthodox church still uses Julian calendar. But it is just a nice way to celebrate twice))
  17. Finally got a chance to use this module. Thank you apeisa! I installed it on current stable (2.5.3) and tested probably every function. I can state it is compatible with PW 2.5. If someone else could confirm that, maybe it can be stated on module page, so people would not be scared off by compatibility problems. @Mike Anthony: Patiently waiting for your new module. I was impressed by your Bolt redirect module satated functionality! When finished, your PW module should get almoast all use cases covered.
  18. I just thought that this ozwim's new module could be of great use here. I swear I saw somewhere it can cope with csv or xml as well as yaml. So it would be quite easy to copypaste formatted csv data in the textfield for the quotes. I have used similar solution on Joomla once. The input could be much more convinient this way. @kathep: I suggest you go the way so thoroughly described by horst as it is much more "mainstream" and usefull for learning to deal with PW in general. If you got a lot of quotes, check out this csv import module.
  19. 1) I think using pages will be the best decision. 2) I would propose to use page field to relate quotes to categories. 3) You can use this to get a random page.
  20. My function is totally useless. This is the decision I was looking for. Have not done my homework. I never found $page->find() - probably confused it with $pages->find() every time visiting the cheatsheet. I think has_parent selector, which I was deliberately looking for so many times with no success, can also do the job. I need stronger glasses.
  21. Yes, I took part in that conversation too. But it seems to me that the way it was supposed to work is to autogenerate name for a page on a pattern at creation time but not from the title. As there is no title on creation yet we could: either generate name from parent fields, dates, custon text + numbers, or apply the pattern on the first save (but not generate the title field by that pattern). If using your solution we have to: either not use title field for output as you probably would not want to use something like "prefix Wednezday...", or save the page to generate name field value and then change the title once again. I could misunderstand you as I did not apply you patch to the core.
  22. Looks great. But It seemed to me that "Name format for children" option should define name of the page, not title. On the screenshot it is title that gets generated.
  23. Joomla just recently changed their release strategy. I never heard we at PW have one )) I think we're mature enough to think about it. It seems a little strange to just freeze a version not providing any bug fixes in stable branch. Of course, it is strange only if you don't know how many people named Ryan from Atlanta are working on it . Anyway, clear release strategy is a must have to grow and to possibly involve more people in the development/bug fixing. Not sure what comes first though: strategy or more people .
  24. I think Manaus is talking about "Name format for children" option under Family tab of the template when only 1 template for children is allowed. Availiable options are described here. But me too would want them to be more rich, maybe something like in this Adrian's module. Edit: Checked it out and did not find a way to combine date and title (with or without custom text in between). If anything but "PHP date format" is in the field we get what Manaus showed in his post: something like 15313431mondayeurope-moscow.
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