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  1. bramwolf's post in Selectfield values from Form to Page fields randomly refusing to save was marked as the answer   
    The select fields I was using on the page seemed to want to use a single non-spacing term of word as a identiefier object,
    and the second as value. I only inserted one value per line, with breaks, and those were the ones that did not work.
    I solved this by changing the fields on my page to text fields which contain the value supplied by the select field from the
    form. And I think I could have doen it by inserting the value after for example: 1:=Value One.
    Hope this might help somebody one day
  2. bramwolf's post in Contact form stopped sending! :( :\ was marked as the answer   
    After extensive chat with One.com support I found out that outgoing e-mail from adreses other than the domains 
    will be blocked after about 20 e-mails. So when sending from a adres within the domain resulted in direct delivery..
    I want to cry... Is there anywhere I can get a refund for those 4 hours of my life?
    Thanks for your help though..
    Bram Wolf 
  3. bramwolf's post in Not working $session variables was marked as the answer   
    I fixed it  On the course-page, where I set the cookie, and the session variable in the first case, I linked to the subscription 
    page where in turn I wanted to call the cookie. I figured out that on pretty much all the pages within the site Chrome
    kept the cookie alive, except for the subscription page. I saw al links inside my site ended with a slash, checked
    the code and saw that the link I made didn't end with the slash.
    Also, very weird but I didn't add a domain to the cookie creation, and the course page created a www.domain.com instance
    while the subscribe page seemed to be looking for a .domain.com instance, adding a domain to the cookie fixed this as well.
    I added it and now chrome keeps the cookie alive
    Pretty weird that this make so much difference, and that Firefox and Safari don't take the trailing slash into account 
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