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Everything posted by ryan

  1. @rick If you needed to back out of the payment screen, I haven't yet found a way to make the browser back button play nicely here. But Stripe provides a back button for this purpose though (see the ProcessWire logo on the left where it has a left arrow and says "Back" when you hover), and this one does enable you to effectively cancel the transaction and return to the form.
  2. This week a second new module for processing Stripe payments has been added to FormBuilder. Unlike our other Stripe Inputfield for FormBuilder, this new one uses Stripe Checkout and supports 3D Secure (SCA) payments. We’ll take a closer look at it in this blog post, plus we’ve got a live demo of it here too— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/stripe-payment-processor-form-builder/
  3. Last week I told you how I was working on a getting a new Stripe payment method working with FormBuilder… and I’m still working on it. That wasn’t exactly the plan. Stripe isn’t quite as easy to work with as it used to be, or maybe Stripe thinks I’m not as easy to work with as before. Either way, I’m learning, and it’s been a good opportunity to expand FormBuilder with its own class for plugin “action” modules. Hopefully some of this work on the Stripe side can apply for other payment methods, or any type of action you’d want to take with a form submission. It’s probably going to take another week or so before this module is ready to release in the FormBuilder board, but it’s going to be built well and accompany a new version of FormBuilder too (that supports these plugin actions by way of PW modules). Having these actions as ProcessWire modules opens up new doors for FormBuilder, and I may even move some of the built-in actions (like saving to Google Sheets) into this type of module, which would be nice for hooks and maintainability. There’s not a lot to report on the core side this week. There are a few commits and improvements, but not yet enough where I’m ready to bump the version to 3.0.168. One small but useful improvement is that handling of selector queries for words with apostrophes has been improved. One of my clients noticed they were having trouble with their site search engine matching terms like “Alpe d’Huez” and “L’estello”, and so our page finding engine has been improved to narrow them down with the fulltext engine and then find the exact matches with regular expression queries. This improvement enhances most of the partial text matching operators. It also solves the issue of there being different kinds of apostrophes (ascii straight vs utf-8 curly), among other things. Overall the core is running running very smoothly on the dev branch, so I’m thinking we may try and do another merge to master before 3.0.170. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
  4. This week I’ve been working on updates for ProcessWire 3.0.168 as well as a new Stripe payments module for FormBuilder. In the core, the ProcessPageView module that handles all requests got a pretty significant refactoring. While it was largely focused on optimization, I also just like to go in every few years and rewrite stuff in high traffic modules like this to keep the module fresh, as well as keep my mind fresh on how it all works. I find there’s often room to do something better. The ProcessLogin module also got some upgrades this week that are primarily focused on maintaining the contents of a request URL in the admin between guest and admin user states. Now it can retain most query strings in a request URL after login. There’s still more to do in 3.0.168 so the version bump isn’t being made this week but may be ready next week. So far there are also a couple of GitHub issue resolutions and $sanitizer method improvements as well. On the FormBuilder side, we have the Stripe payments Inputfield, but since that module has been built, Stripe has released new APIs to handle SCA payments (soon required for EU transactions). With these types of payments, as I understand it, a multi-factor type process takes place where the user confirms the transaction with their credit provider. So it changes the payment flow quite a bit… enough that I’ve found the current Stripe payments module can’t really be adapted for it, at least not in a reliable way. That’s because the new API requires that the payment take place interactively before the form is submitted, since the user has to manually confirm it outside the form. So this will inevitably lead to cases where a payment has been charged but the final form isn’t submitted for one reason or another. Maybe it would work most of the time, but it just doesn’t seem like a reliable transaction flow to me. For this reason, I’m building a separate module for FormBuilder that provides a better alternative for the SCA transactions. With this module, the user submits the form, but FormBuilder saves it as a partial/pending form submission. Following form submission, the user goes through the SCA payment process with Stripe. When that completes, Stripe sends a webhook to FormBuilder that converts the form submission from pending to completed, at which point emails are sent, FormBuilder actions executed, etc. So it's Stripe that submits the final form, rather than the user. I’ve got a lot of work still to do here, but since a few people have contacted me looking for SCA support with Stripe payments, I just wanted to keep you up to date and let you know it’s in progress. The existing InputfieldFormBuilderStripe module will of course continue to be developed as well, as most regions outside the EU do not require SCA. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
  5. ProcessWire 3.0.167 is the newest version on the dev branch and contains the updates mentioned last week, as well as the following: Improvements and optimizations to several database fulltext index-based text-searching operators (such as *=, ~=, *+=, ~+=) so that they can better match words too short to index, as well as many stopwords. (code changes) New $input->queryStringClean() method is like the existing $input->queryString() method except that it enables you to get a cleaned up version according to rules you specify in an $options argument. I added this method primarily because it’s something I need in the core for some planned updates. But it’s in the public API because I thought it might be useful for some other cases as well. Kind of technical, but some minor improvements to the $sanitizer array methods were made so that they can now support associative arrays with a ‘keySanitizer’ option that lets you specify which sanitizer method to clean up array indexes/keys. The $sanitizer->validateFile() method was rewritten and improved plus new ‘dryrun’ and ‘getArray’ options were added. The core file and image fields have been updated with the ability to require (rather than just utilize) a FileValidatorModule for certain file upload extensions. This was motivated by SVG files being increasingly problematic (or at least my understanding of them) because they can contain the kind of bad stuff that regular markup can (scripts, loading external assets, etc.). But since SVG files are used by many just like the bitmap image formats (JPG, GIF, PNG, etc.) exploits can spread quite easily and unknowingly. I’m not aware of that ever occurring in a ProcessWire site, but it’s one of those things that strikes me as being an inevitable problem for any website (on any software) that has regular SVG uploads. ProcessWire doesn’t allow SVG file uploads by default, but you can manually add “SVG” to your allowed upload extensions for any file/image field… and from what I understand now, a lot of people are doing this—using SVG files not just during development, but as an image format that their clients upload too. The usual protections of having a trusted user admin environment don’t help much here. That’s because what matters is not whether the uploading user is trusted or not, but whether the source of the SVG is trusted. And that’s something we have no control over. It seems apparent the core could provide some extra help and guidance in this area. So ProcessWire now requires you install the FileValidatorSvgSanitizer module if you want to have SVG uploads, OR you can check a box in the file/image field settings to whitelist the extension (acknowledging you understand the risks). Now you could manually add HTML or JS as allowed upload extensions to a files field as well— and if you are rendering the resulting HTML markup or JS directly in the code of your website, then the same risks would be present as with SVG. But the risks seem obvious for doing this with HTML or JS files. Plus, why would someone do that with HTML or JS files unless for some very specific development purpose? I think it’s unlikely any of us are running websites where clients might be downloading HTML or JS files from other sources and uploading them into the website. And even further unlikely that we’d written the site’s code to include the contents of those files among the site's markup. Whereas, this is essentially what happens with SVG files, from what I understand. As I’ve come to learn this week, it’s even quite common to do this (maybe I’m late to the party). Given the above, this week I rebuilt the existing FileValidatorSvgSanitizer module from the ground up, so that it now uses a better/newer SVG sanitization library found by Adrian. I’d suggest installing the module if you are supporting SVG uploads in your site. It seems to do a nice job of cleaning the harmful stuff out of SVG files. I’m not aware of anything it can miss, but I’d still advise some caution with SVG file uploads even if you have the module installed. If you currently allow SVG file uploads but don’t really need them, just remove SVG as an upload option, as that’s still the safest bet. That’s essentially what the current dev branch version does: if you’ve added SVG as an allowed upload extension, it’ll disable it until you decide if you need it; and if you do, then install the sanitizer module or whitelist the extension. I know not everyone is going to like that, but it seems like it’s the right and safe thing to do; as well as a good strategy going forward for any other file formats with similar concerns. When our next master version arrives, it’ll be in the upgrade instructions as well. The core has been updated so that it can support the same means for any other file formats we come across in the future that might be problematic in similar ways. That’s everything I can remember that’s new to 3.0.167. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
  6. This week the core version remains at 3.0.166, but 3.0.167 should be ready by next week. The main reason I'm not bumping the version is just because a couple additional updates I want to get in 3.0.167 are started by not yet fully finished. Below is a look at what's been committed to the dev branch this week so far: Added custom Page class support for the Language class by implementing your own LanguagePage class that extends it (i.e. /site/classes/LanguagePage.php). Added a PR from MoritzLost with improvements to the CURL support in the WireHttp class. Added a new method to the Fieldtype interface named getMatchQuerySort() this method lets a Fieldtype module optionally manage the query when a $pages->find() requests a sort by a field/subfield handled by the Fieldtype. The first implementation of the getMatchQuerySort() method was added for FieldtypeOptions, which now lets you sort by option values or titles, despite those values and labels being in a separate table that the rest of ProcessWire doesn’t know about. Added a new getAfterLoginUrl() method to the Process module interface which lets Process modules optionally sanitize and validate request URLs to the module for a non-logged-in user. The resulting URL can be automatically redirected to once the user has logged-in. While the method has been added and implemented in several core Process modules, it is not yet used by the core after login—that will come next week in 3.0.167. Previously the only aspect of an admin URL that could survive login was an “id” integer in the query string. This week there were also several optimizations and improvements made to the PageFinder class and resolutions to 4 issue reports. Thanks for reading, have a great weekend!
  7. @netcarver You'll be glad to know that's exactly what changed with the redirect method in 3.0.166— The optional 2nd argument is now an http status code, enabling you to send any redirect status that you want, so long as it's somewhere in between 300 and 399. So if you wanted to send a 303 "see other" redirect, then you would do it like this: $session->redirect('http://domain.com/path', 303); The method of course also still accepts true or false to mean 301 and 302, and the default is still 301. The new location() method sends only a "Location: url" header without an http status code, which browsers interpret as a temporary redirect.
  8. This week ProcessWire version 3.0.166 is released on the dev branch. In this post we’ll cover all that’s new relative to the previous version, 3.0.165. Plus we’ll check out the latest new versions of ProCache and FormBuilder— https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.166/
  9. For whatever reason, the power was out for our neighborhood for one day this week. As a result, I’m running a day behind schedule here and haven’t yet finished some of the updates I’ve started in the core, so no core updates to report just yet. Instead, I’ve been focused on finishing up the newest FormBuilder version, which has taken nearly the whole week to finish, but I did manage to get the new version out today (available in the FormBuilder board), and I’m really happy with what it adds. Here’s what's new in version 44 of FormBuilder: This version makes significant improvements to FormBuilder's entries listing features and API. You can now find submitted form entries with selector strings just like you can with pages in ProcessWire. It’s like using $pages->find() except for form entries. You can perform queries on any field in the form and use several different operators. This also includes some of the new text matching operators new to the most recent PW master version. The entries screen for any form now gives you option to search and/or filter based on any field in the form. You can also create multiple filters on top of one another, matching multiple fields or even multiple values for the same field. You can dynamically select what columns appear in the entries list, and in what order. This is very much like the “Columns” tab in Lister or ListerPro. You can also search, filter, display and export field values from nested forms, which was not supported in earlier versions of FormBuilder. You can stack multiple search filters on top of one another for AND conditions. When it comes to keyword searches, in addition to searching individual fields in an entry, you can also search all fields in the entry at once (something you can't easily do with pages). You can now sort by any form field in the entries list by clicking the column headings. Also supports reverse order. In earlier versions of FormBuilder, you could only sort by ID or created date. The CSV export has been improved with options to export based on your filters/columns selection, or export all rows/columns. In addition there are now options for letting you specify what type of column headings to use and whether or not to include a UTF-8 byte order mark (which some MS Office apps apparently prefer). In addition to all of the above, there have been numerous other minor optimizations, bug fixes and other improvements throughout FormBuilder. A few new hooks have also been added in FormBuilderProcessor. Note that versions 41, 42, and 43 were all minor-update versions that were only released casually in the FormBuilder board for specific cases. Version 44 of course also includes the updates from those 3 versions as well. FormBuilder v44 requires ProcessWire 3.0.164 or newer. To support the new search/filter/sort functions in the entries list, you must have MySQL 5.7 or newer. For earlier versions of MySQL, these features are disabled except for the “search all fields” option. Next week: back to core updates, and hopefully the newest ProCache version will be ready as well. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
  10. @teppo The only reason I've started using wire()->pages->find() rather than wire('pages')->find() is just because the IDE (PhpStorm in my case) recognizes what wire()->files is, but doesn't recognize what wire('files') is... well it does, but it only knows that it could be any one of a bunch of API vars, rather than knowing it's the $pages API var. Substitute any API var for "pages" here, I'm just using pages as an example. Phpdoc data is able to traverse through variable and method names like wire()->pages or pages(), but not through strings like wire('pages'). It makes zero difference technically which you use, but at least as far as IDEs like PhpStorm goes, it's the difference between the IDE knowing what you are doing and not really knowing what you are doing. I like it knowing what I'm doing because it helps to find potential issues more easily, and it knows arguments, types and return values on methods I'm going to call, etc. You can also do the same by using phpdoc to tell it what type a particular variable is. For instance, the two bits of code below would have the same effect in terms of the IDE knowing what $pages is: // this: /** @var Pages $pages */ $pages = $this->wire('pages'); // or this: $pages = $this->wire()->pages;
  11. @horst The partial file delivery was added last year. I'm not sure of the exact right terms for it, but it's basically giving proper responses to the $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'] "bytes" requests which specify starting and ending ranges of bytes from a file to respond with. More details on the implementation in the WireHttp::sendFileRange method. Browsers basically send a test request to the server to see if it supports it, and if they give the proper response, then it starts requesting byte ranges and we just just give it the expected ranges. They aren't always sequential either, sometimes it wants a piece of the beginning and a piece of the end, sometimes different things, and it seems to vary between browsers. You don't have to do anything special to use it, as any file delivered by ProcessWire already supports it when the browser requests it.
  12. This week I’ve been working on a combination of the core, and a PW audio-streaming project for a friend, working as a volunteer. There’s some overlap in these two things, as a lot of the core updates this week are somewhat related. It provided the needed motivation to finish a new feature I started working on in 3.0.149, which will be finally finished in 3.0.166. Actually, it’s finished now, but I haven’t bumped the version number on the dev branch yet—I’ll do that next week. The feature finished this week adds support for a new secure files option similar to the $config->pagefileSecure option (you may or may not have heard of), except that it allows you to configure secure files at the template level, rather than just site-wide level. In ProcessWire, when you unpublish or trash a page, or when you access control a page so that it’s not visible to guest users, the page’s files in /site/assets/files/page-ID/ can still be accessed directly by URL (like if someone bookmarked a PDF or something). So we have the $config->pagefileSecure option that lets you specify that the files should also be access controlled. This ensures (for example) that if a page is unpublished, its files can’t be loaded by anyone except a user that can view unpublished pages. But I rarely use this option because it is site-wide, and access controlled files take some overhead (being delivered by ProcessWire rather than Apache) and thus are something I’ve always wanted finer control over. That’s because most of the time, I don’t care too much about direct access to files because they are mostly images and endless variations of them. But there are also those specific cases where I really do need it. So being able to make it part of the template-level access control really makes it a lot more flexible, and hopefully makes the option a lot more obvious: There’s also that “Yes always” option (in the screenshot above), which is something we’ve not had before. This is useful when you want to have full control over a file download (or stream). Because the files would always pass through ProcessWire, you can hook any part of the process, keep a download counter, log downloads, etc. ProcessWire supports partial file delivery and delivery of specific byte ranges and seeking, which comes in especially handy with <audio> tags. In the case of the project I was working on this week, the audio streams are available only to logged in users (via LoginRegisterPro) and we had to find a way to make the audio files protected from direct access, so that they would only work as a stream through an <audio> tag to an authenticated user, not be accessible outside of that, and not be downloadable. That was all a bit of a challenge, but a fun one. If anybody ever runs into a similar need, be sure to send me a message. I have a few more things I want to work into version 3.0.166 before bumping the version number, so that’ll likely come by this time next week. I also hope to fully wrap up the new version of either FormBuilder or ProCache next week, followed by the remaining one the following week. Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend!
  13. @HMCB Do you mean like the bookmarks feature in Lister? It doesn't have anything built in like that at present. However, the search queries are all query-string based (unlike Lister), so you can save the search queries on your own by copying the URL from the browser address bar, or using your browser bookmarks.
  14. @rick The demo site supports https but doesn't require it. There's no http traffic that needs to be protected by SSL there, so didn't want to force it. The PW version does need to be updated though. The version on there is the last one that I did a full testing for the safety of demo mode, and this takes some time to do, so I don't update the demo site version very often.
  15. @teppo The directory should be updating version numbers from a getModuleInfo() method, but I think it may have issues when the version number is in an info.json file. This'll definitely get fixed in the update, likely before. Thanks.
  16. Relative to version 3.0.164, this latest version on the master and dev branch (3.0.165) contains 16 commits with various minor fixes, improvements and optimizations, and it resolves 6 reported issues. Version 3.0.164 has been very stable, and this version should be even more so. Both the dev branch and master branch are identical at this moment. As mentioned last week, new versions of both FormBuilder and ProCache are in development, and I’ve been working on both of them quite a bit this week. I mentioned some of the updates being made in FormBuilder last week. Another new feature to mention is the addition of reCAPTCHA to the spam prevention tools. While our built in honeypot is just as effective (when setup properly), it does its work silently, behind the scenes, never visible to anyone. Whereas reCAPTCHA is hard to miss, which is a benefit for clients that want to to be able to literally see spam prevention measures in place. No doubt, it brings a certain level of comfort, and adds another level of authority to your forms. So I’m really glad to add it to our set of form tools. Rather than building it into the form “actions” I’ve instead built it as an Inputfield module (InputfieldFormBuilderRecaptcha), as this gives you a little more flexibility with regard to placement and customization. It is ready for download now in the FormBuilder board Download thread (login required). It can be used with any version of FormBuilder 0.3.9 or newer; meaning it’s ready to use now. If you download it, be sure to read the pinned reCAPTCHA thread in there for detailed instructions (it's very easy to setup). I’ve been talking about it for a long time, but it seems like it may finally be a good time to re-do the modules.processwire.com site. It all works just fine, but just needs an update, consistent with the rest of processwire.com. So we’ll likely slow the pace of core updates for 2-3 weeks to work on that, sometime between now and the end of the year. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
  17. Thanks @horst for fixing it and @gmclelland for letting me know. I must have copied/pasted it incorrectly.
  18. All has gone smoothly with the new master branch version of ProcessWire (3.0.164), officially released last week. Next week we’ll also be releasing 3.0.165 on the master branch, which will fix a couple minor issues that have surfaced. Though we are talking very minor, so there’s no reason to wait on upgrading. The dev branch commit log covers changes since 3.0.164. There will be more commits next week and then we’ll be on version 3.0.165 on both dev and master branches. This week, in addition to some minor core updates, I’ve been working on updates for both ProCache and FormBuilder. The ProCache updates primarily focus on providing better API functions for finding what’s cached, adding more hooks, and providing better control over when and how cached versions of pages originating from URL segments are cleared from the cache. On the FormBuilder side, I’ve been focused on improving our submitted form entry listing tools for the admin side. Prior to the version in progress, it hasn’t been possible to perform custom searches on submitted form entries, the way that you might do in Lister/ListerPro for pages. Nor has it been possible to sort by anything other than created or modified date. That all changes in this new FormBuilder version. Now you can search within and sort on any field in the entries listings. You can search and filter by any number of fields at once. You can select what fields/columns display, and in what order. You can export (CSV) rows that match your search criteria. It’s basically like a mini ListerPro, but for forms submitted on your site. So far I’m finding it extremely useful in testing here, and I'm excited to release it in the FormBuilder support board. Below is a screenshot. I should have this version released in the FormBuilder board in 1-2 weeks, along with some other updates to it. Thanks for reading this quick update and have a great weekend!
  19. This week we’re proud to announce the newest ProcessWire master version 3.0.164. Relative to the previous master version (3.0.148) this version adds a ton of new and useful features and fixes more than 85 issues, with more than 225 commits over a period of 7 months. There were also a lot of technical changes in the core, including some pretty significant refactoring of several classes to further optimize and improve upon our already solid core, making it that much better. I’m confident this master version is one of our best and if you are running an older version I’d encourage you to upgrade when convenient to do so—I think you will really like what this version brings! Read all about what’s new in the latest blog post: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.164/
  20. @schwarzdesign I was never able to duplicate that one. Pasting in old password makes the new password editable when I test here. But I think this one has come up before and it had something to do with some other admin enhancement module, but I don't remember for sure. There's a reply in that thread that says it only happens of entity encoding textformatter is disabled for the title field. I think it's rare for someone to disable that textformatter on the title field and something I wouldn't usually recommend doing. But I think we can also accommodate the request in that report, just wanted to return to it later when back on the dev branch because it's a change of behavior that I think needs more thorough dev branch testing.
  21. In preparation for the next master version, this week no new features were added, but just like last week, more than a dozen issue reports were resolved. Having focused largely on fixing various issues over the last month, I feel pretty confident that the current dev branch is significantly more solid than the 3.0.148 master version. It adds and improves a whole lot, and also fixes a lot. And to the best of my knowledge, there aren’t any new issues between 3.0.146 and 3.0.164 that haven’t already been fixed. Basically, I don’t think it makes any sense to keep all these updates exclusive to the dev branch any longer, so have merged it to master, today. Consider it a soft launch, as I haven’t made it an official tagged version yet. Maybe I’m shy, but wanted to wait till Monday before Git tagging it and making it official. The master branch has a different audience than the dev branch, and so there’s always that possibility that some new issue will appear that hasn’t on the dev branch, and wouldn’t have. So we’ll let it marinate on the master branch for the weekend before broadcasting it very far. By this time next week, I should have a blog post ready that covers all that’s new in this version, which is 226 commits ahead of the previous master (3.0.148), so there’s a lot to cover. I want to thank you all that have been helping to identify and report issues on GitHub as they come up. Having covered a lot of issue reports over the last month, I can see a lot of effort goes into preparing many of the reports. Your work is appreciated. This month I focused primarily on the reports that I thought were likely to make the most difference to the most people. I also focused on issues that I thought could be accommodated without introducing potentially new issues or new code to test. Of course, not every report could be covered, and there’s always more to do, so I’ll be getting back to it on the dev branch here soon. In addition, I’ve held off on some new things I’ve wanted to add for awhile (a feature freeze of sorts) in preparation for an end-of-month master version. I’m looking forward to outlining all that’s new in next week’s blog post. Until then, thanks for reading and if you get a chance to test out the new 3.0.164 version, please do and let me know how it goes (both master and dev branches are identical right now). I hope you have a great weekend!
  22. @Zeka That's correct. V4 is split out into a bunch of different classes like this, as ProCache has grown quite a bit. It's possible I might not understand what you mean. But ProCache only clears cache files that exist. It knows ahead of time which ones exist because there's a corresponding DB table entry for every cache file. So it shouldn't attempt to find or clear files for any languages that don't have the content available in the cache. Meaning, so long as the page isn't published in the language that it lacks content in, ProCache isn't going to be attempting to write or clear cache files for that page in that language it's not available in (i.e. no extra overhead). But if what you are looking for is more logic in determining whether a page is cleared for a particular language, that clearPage() call in the earlier hook I mentioned does also accept a 'language' option which limits the clear to a particular language. You can also tell it to clear only a particular URL segment, or segments matching a wildcard pattern. Here's the options for the clearPage method: /** * Clear the cache for a specific page * * Default behavior is to clear for all languages, paginations and URL segment variations. * To clear only specific languages, paginations or URL segments, use the options. * * @param Page $page * @param array $options * - `language` (string|int|Language): Clear only this language (default='') * - `urlSegmentStr` (string): Clear only entries matching this URL segment string, wildcards OR regex OK (default='') * - `urlSegments` (array): Clear only entries having any of these URL segments (default=[]) * - `pageNum` (int|bool): Clear only pagination number (i.e. 2), true to clear all paginations, false to clear no paginations (default=0) * - `clearRoot` (bool|null): Clear root index of page path? (default=false when URL segments or paginations requested, true otherwise) * - `rmdir` (bool): Remove directories rather than index files? (default=false) * - `getFiles` (bool): Get array of files that were cleared, rather than a count? (default=false) * @return int|array Quantity or array of files and/or directories that were removed * */ I think we've got all the tools we need to support that kind of logic on the hook side, but ProCache doesn't do that automatically at present. It's a good idea though, I can explore it further.
  23. @Zeka Thanks for the examples. Reading what you write made me realize I've got a similar case too: https://www.tripsite.com/reviews/ — it's just one page, but hundreds (maybe thousands) of URLs underneath are all URL segment powered for 3 levels. What you are asking for would come in handy here for sure. In the hook example below (which is functional) I clear all /reviews/bike-tours/* segments on the /reviews/ page when a page using template "tour" is saved. And when a page using template "boat" is saved, it clears all of the /reviews/boat-[name]/ segments, where [name] is the name of the boat page that was saved. This is going to come in very handy here, and if I understand your case correctly, I think it's what you are looking for also? $wire->addHook('ProCacheStaticClear::clearedPage', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); // Page that was saved/cleared $clearSegment = ''; if($page->template == 'tour') { // clear all /reviews/bike-tours* segments $clearSegment = 'bike-tours*'; } else if($page->template == 'boat') { // clear all /reviews/boat-name/ segments $clearSegment = "boat-{$page->name}*"; } if($clearSegment) { // clear segments below the /reviews/ page $reviews = $event->pages->get('/reviews/'); $event->object->clearPage($reviews, [ 'urlSegmentStr' => $clearSegment ]); } });
  24. @Zeka I don't think we've got hooks specific to what you are trying to do there, but I've pasted in the list of current hooks that ProCache provides for the static caching side of things. Can you expand on your need with an example? It may be something I can add, though want to make sure I fully understand what you are trying to do. // Is caching allowed for given page? Return true or false // Hooks can modify return value to dictate custom caching rules ProCache::allowCacheForPage(Page $page) // Called when entire cache is being cleared // Returns quantity of items cleared ProCache::clearAll() // Called right before a cache file is written // Hooks can modify $content to adjust what is saved in cache file ProCacheStatic::writeCacheFileReady(Page $page, $content, $file) // Called right before a Page is about to have its cache cleared. // Hooks can make it return false to bypass clearing of page. ProCacheStatic::clearPageReady(Page $page) // Called to execute cache clearing behaviors for given Page // Hooks can modify what behaviors are executed ($behaviors argument) // Returns array indexed by behavior name each with a count of files cleared ProCacheStaticBehaviors::executeCacheClearBehaviors(Page $page, array $behaviors)
  25. @JeevanisM Thanks, I have fixed the table salt comment error. The version in the button is on a cache, so it'll update eventually.
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