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Mr. NiceGuy

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Everything posted by Mr. NiceGuy

  1. Yep, I just need an array for every item like this [{itemid,parentpageid,text}], .... The nested traversal function from the sitemap looks good. Seems easy to implement a counter and restrict the level depth. I'll have a look at it next week and post my solution. Thanks for the input!
  2. Sure. My Sitestructure: (Like this, with ca 100 pages and 15 levels, template t2 only on last level) Treeroot template=render_tree -- Treenode 1 template=t1 ----- Treenode 2 template=t1 ----------- Treenode 3 template=t1 -- Treenode 4 template=t1 ------ Treenode 5 template=t1 ----------- Treenode 6 template=t1 ------------ Treenode 7 template=t1 ----------------- Treenode 8 template=t2 -- Treenode 9 template=t1 ------ Treenode 10 template=t1 ------ Treenode 11 template=t1 ------------ Treenode 12 template=t1 ----------------- Treenode 13 template=t1 ---------------------- Treenode 14 template=t2 ----------------------- Treenode 15 template=t2 if ($parent) { //If parent set via GET Variable then output only its children $items= $pages->find("hasParent=$parent, template=t1||t2, limit=1000"); $items->prepend($pages->get($parent)); }else{ //Output all Nodes $items= $pages->find("template=t1||t2, limit=1000"); }; foreach($items as $item){ echo "[{'$item->id', '$item->parent','$item->title' }],"; } What I want is not only to specify which parent the pages can have: eg all Childs of treenode 11. I also want to limit the level. Eg Display Treenode11 and two levels. (node 12 and 13 are in the page array, node 14 and 15 arent because they are more than 2 levels away)
  3. My bad, forgot to disable Ghostery. It blocked your font from beeing served by Typekit.
  4. Is there a way to search MultiplePages in Fieldtype.Page for one specific pageid? The selector *= is not implemented, so is there another method you guys could think of? Its for a category system. Selector is as follows $items=$pages->find("template=temp1|temp2, pages1|pages2*=$pageid"); where pages1 and pages2 are Pagefields with MultiplePages assigned Edit: Just using = did the Job.
  5. Nice site, but on my high resolution device (2560x1440 on Win 8.1) the navigation is split on two lines. The font seems to big. You may want to have a look at it Its because you use em.
  6. Hey Guys, i building a site where I have many levels of subpages (about 20). The Output gets rendered as tree map. Again I'm thrilled how easy it was to build my templates and the site structure, always a pleasure working with PW. I have one small question. I found a way to limit my output to a specific parent via has_parent. However Im struggling to implement a function to display only a certain level depth. Say i want Parent X and two levels of his children. My only idea was to count the slashes of the path, but that just doesnt feel right to me Is there any function of the API that allows for such a selection . Just for reference my query is: $items=$pages->find("template=t1||t2, limit=200, has_parent=$parent")
  7. Hey Guys, just for reference: i went with Google Charts Visualization: Not very pretty but functional and it works. There are a lot of old machines running on this network and as I saw many of the solutions need HTML Canvas. D3 is nice but it has to much power. The effort of learning would be to much compared of the use.
  8. Thanks for the reply. Google Charts also looks nice, I'll see to which extend the points are customizable. i know the other chart libraries but i specifically need a Chart similar to an org Chart.
  9. Hey Guys, really enjoying developing with Processwire so far. I have an idea for a site or rather a webapp for my college courses. Processwire is the ideal backend for it. I plan to build a interactive tree of life. My idea is to build a expandable treechart. Every item needs a small photo, example name(taxa) and group name (phylum). When the user klicks on the Item i want to open up a popup with additional infos (thinking of embedding a Google docs presentation so that the tutor can update it himself, and students can download PDFs). I have absolutely no doubts that backendcoding will be done very fast But i'm still struggling on the frontend. There are not really good librarys for such purposes, at least i didn't find many. And coding it by myself would be too much effort. The better ones were http://www.basicprimitives.com/index.php?option=com_local&view=local&Itemid=40〈=en Which seems kinda nice, but touch support is very poor. I think thats a neccessity in these days especially for the target audience http://philogb.github.io/jit/static/v20/Jit/Examples/Spacetree/example1.html Super fast and touch compatible. But i have some struggles setting up a similar layout like in the above example. Do you know any further alternatives? Thanks
  10. Has anyone here gotten "Underline" or TextColor to work ? I also downloaded the modules but i just wont show up, Acf is off and Justify works fine, also "Strike" but not Undeline which is somewhat strange as they are in the same package (basicstyles) DevTools show that panelbutton.js is not found, however im calling "colorbutton" as plugin EDIT: Ok Underline was hidden in config, but TextColor still doesnt work and completly crashes the editor when loading
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