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  1. Hey y'all I'm using this module on a website with a blog. The blog has an overview page with pagination (using the "Allow page numbers?" flag on the template). How can I make the XML sitemap module create entries for every numbered page on the blog overview? Thanks in advance for your help!
  2. Thank you so much Marvin! That was it! There was no php script crash and no failure of PW or Lightning. I just forgot to give the file the correct access rights at the end of its creation.
  3. I still can't find out what exactly the error is: Locally (PW 2.5, I don't know the excat version number, where can I find this?) it runs absolutely fine. On Lightning the image variations are created* but when I want to access them via http I get the 403. This really only happens on Lightning (not locally and not on my web hoster). Therefore I it is hard for me to believe that this is a PW error. I also read throught the link you posted and couldn't totally relate my problem to yours (except the 403 of course). Your problem was about handling inpropper parameters. Mine is only about the 403 because the php itself runs smoothly, at least that's what I asume because there are no messages in the error log nor is the image variation in any way not as I expect it to be. *After I downloaded them via FTP I can say that the image creation process was completed because the images where as I expected them to be.
  4. On one hand I have to agree with you because all your statements are true, on the other hand I'm not so sure if these poitnts are of any interest for an editor. These are all things that are important for the admin/developer. But an editor doesn't really care if it's hard for you to develop feature x or how often you have to patch the cms because of security issues...
  5. This is a hard one because for me one of the greatest things about PW is its simplicity. But for WP power users this doesn't count because they know WP well enough and feel that something was stripped away from them and they don't have the power they used to have (even though they never used the features they are missing as an editor in PW). I would show them the multi language features which are absolutely over the top. It is so easy to edit PW multilanguage sites...
  6. I will try the recreation. But could you please explain a little bit more specific how you recognized that the creation process failed? Because I don't see any evidence (except that I can't access the image variations). Or in other words: What steps are (or should be) bound to the creation process? As far as I know an image variation is created when the image file is in the right folder and has the right name. I never tried it out but I thought that it would also be possible to just put that file via FTP at the right folder and voilà. This, of course, only counts for image variations not the image itself.
  7. In the meantime I could connect to the FTP server. But now I'm having another problem: I can't access the images in assets/files/* over http. Here is an example. The file exists but I get a 403 Edit: I have no problems accessing the original file. But the resized file cannot be accessed.
  8. It looks like the FTP service is down again. At least I can't connect via FTP right now... Maybe you could add a file manager as long as the FTP daemon keeps crashing. This could serve as a work around.
  9. I'd never thought it could be so easy. But it is! Thanks adrian!
  10. I'm working on a little image resizing module that hooks in after the image was uploaded in the back end (based on Somas code). But unlike Soma I use GD to generate the resized (and slightly modified image). So, before there are any questions: Yes I need to use GD instead of $image->size(...) The resizing works but I would really like to add my variation (my resized image) to the $image->getVariations. First of all because I want to get my resized image to be deleted when the original image was deleted and second because of consistency reasons. Simple question: How can I add my self-generated image to the PW-image variations?
  11. I totally agree with Martijn when he says that the grammar/spelling correction shouldn't distract the reader from the actual topic of the thread. But if this was a german forum I would probably also get grumpy if the users would constantly spell the words wrong. So -as a consequence- I've decided to add a new forum-signature that first of all states that I'm a german speaker but also that I'm eager to learn and improve my english.
  12. Thank you guys. @interrobang: Your idea with the background image did the trick perfectly. Thanks so much! I really don't know why I didn't came up with this. Now that I see it, it seems so obvious...
  13. In my particular case this doesn't work because I want to create a slider that is also responsive. Next to the normal width of the slider I set the max-width to 100% to make sure the user can see the full image if the browser window with is smaller than the slider normally would be. Now, if I have a portrait image in an array of landscape images the portrait image appears much higher than the other images because of the max-width 100%. This of course ruins the design... I can't come up with a css-solution. There may be a js-solution but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with it. As far as I can see the php/pw solution would be not that bad. I admit there are some wasted pixels and this results in slower loading. If someone comes up with a better working solution I'm willing to adapt.
  14. I'm in a situation where I need to output an array of images in the exact same size. So far, so good. With $image->size(900, 600); I can do this. The problem is: If I do the exact same thing with a portrait image. It crops the top and the bottom. I need to avoid this. Is there any option to resize a portrait image into the landscape format and fill out the resulting blank space (on the left and right side) with a color providing the rgb- or hex-code? I've attached an example image of what I want to achieve.
  15. Ah, ok, no I misunderstood you. You're right with the namespaces that were introduced with PHP 5.3.0 Anyway, I can't really say which PW version is required for my module, because I've only tested it with PW 2.5 I'm pretty sure thought it would also work with PW 2.2+ (and below was no "requires"-field I think). Right now I'm tending to let the module only require the PHP version and not the PW version so nobody is restricted unnecessarily. Is there somewhere a documentation that points out which feature/hooks/methods/etc. were added at which PW version?
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