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  1. @Soma, I already removed the login. Whenever I have a user logged in with german language The Umlaute work in the backend. So alle umlaute are displayed properly there. In the templates they dont work if they are for example in the title field. If they are in the html they are fine too. I think they work in the admin because there is no strtolower and if there is this function mb_strtolower is used. For me now everything is fine since I am using mb_strtolower now. Using strtolowed it didn't work for logged in user with german language settings. So the problem is not urgent any more I was just wondering if there is some encoding/decoding happens with different languages.
  2. @soma but thats exactly what I dont't understand. Whenever I am logged out the "äöü" with strtolower are fine. If I am logged in with a user using default language "äüö" is displayed properly too. But for german users logged in it is broken. So it's not a logged in / logged out problem its a language problem. I will try the suggestions of @horst maybe I can find out what causes this.
  3. @slkwrm thanks for the answer, mb_strtolower fixed it but still don't get why it works with different language settings.
  4. So everything is set correctly, I've got no clue whats going on here. But here is the example of the dev site: dev.trenkoberdorfer.de/intern/ use users: german/1german and default/1default everything is fine for logged out and logged in default users. For the german user its broken. The template looks like: <?php echo strtolower($menu_page->title); ?> also added the $config->dbSetNamesUTF8 = true; Can anyone the way how the value is fetched from database? Is there any condition on the language? Thanks! by the way, dont judge the markup please , its crapy I know and I didn't write it.
  5. Thanks for your quick answer. So all charsets are utf8. db, php and html. Setting the right headers and everything. Still getting stuff like "b��ro". All mySQL tables are configured to utf8_general_ci. Is it possible that the drivers collation is different when the language is set to german?
  6. I've installed the german language pack today and whenever a user whos language is set to german is logged in, all german "Umlaute" stored in a field are broken on the whole page. When I log out everything is fine again. Any suggestions why this happens? Thanks a lot folks!
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