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  1. Yes, the embedding code is generated by phpmotion. It's really a good platform, but probably there's no way to make the embedding automatic.
  2. Yes Ryan, you're right. I'm using the phpmotion.com platform (a youtube-clone) on a local linux server, to upload videos and convert them. Like youtube, also phpmotion provide both the link and the embedding html structrure. Currently I'm simply using the HTML embed into a textearea field, but I was wondering if there's any way to pass the link and automatically build the embedding structure. An example: generated internal link: http://myserver/videos/title and its standard embedding structure (tweakable): <embed src="http://myserver/player.swf" width="320" height="256" bgcolor="FFFFFF" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="false" flashvars="flvsource=http://myserver/uploads/PZDBCClXAP0td1rgBPqE.flv&preview_image=http://myserver/uploads/player_thumbs/PZDBCClXAP0td1rgBPqE.jpg&backgcolor=FFFFFF&autoplay=true&url_logo=http://myserver/images/playerlogos/logo-player.png&logo=top_right&floating_navbar=false&color_nav_bar_top=0x478dc2&color_nav_bar_bottom=0xE7EBEC&ads_background_color=0x00CCFF&ads_border_color=0xCCCCCC&scrubber_position_color=0x6AA1CE&scrubber_load_color=0x888888&scrubber_background_color=0xBBBBBB&volume_bar_color=0xBBBBBB&aspect_ratio=stretch"></embed> Probably it's not possible, because of the source (random_name.flv). Thank you! Regards.
  3. Dear Ryan, like user interrobang, I also have self hosted videos on my Linux server and I'm interested to try your module. All my self hosted videos have the same URL structure: http://my.internal.server/streaming/videos/name-of-the-video (where "name-of-the-video" changes every time). Hoy could I tweak your "TextformatterVideoEmbed.module" in order to use it with this type of URL? I'm not a php coder, so I'm quite scary about tweaking your code. Regards!
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