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Posts posted by kixe

  1. Hi taqtaq,

    you could use Ryans sitemap-template. it works pretty good in different languages. No need to install LanguageLocalizedURL.

    For your different languages you should just add something like:

      <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="http://yoursite.fi/en" />
      <xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="it" href="http://yoursite.fi/it" />


    I will check if I could write a small function to implement this for every language in the system.

    Here comes Ryans template with added language alternate-links like recommended by google for multilanguage support.
    more information here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/2620865?hl=en

    important: name of language should be same like international language-code (name your pages en for english, de for german, es for spain etc.

    Just Follow Ryans instructions to use the template, everything else is done by the template.

    Update 29.02.16
    This update is made for PW 3.0. To prevent endless redirects in 2.7 and lower please read instructions (comments). You need to comment out the line with the redirect.

    • Like 3
  2. <h2><?php echo __('Safe \nplastic surgery') ?></h2>

    Cannot reproduce this. Example works in Language Translator/ Language Translator Plus

    You can use both (Single and Double quotes) look here: wire/modules/LanguageSupport/LanguageParser.php  function parseFile($file)

    It doesn't work, if you have more than one translatable string in one line ,like

    <h2><?php echo __('Safe \nplastic surgery') ?></h2><p><?php echo __('2nd string') ?></p>

    The second string will not appear in the language translator. Its a bug. Maybe Ryan could help.

  3. Adrian,

    sorry but cannot help. Picked the Information I posted from somewhere in the net. The german Version is the usual/common one.

    Another thing:
    A customer (Safari on Mac) said in the phone field appears a comma, like a thousands separator, without putting it in before. I couldn't reproduce it on my computer. Did somebody else recognize this?
    Problems with number_format or local settings? Any other ideas?


  4. I am not the best friend of tags which are translated later in html, that is one reason I stay with processwire.

    Do you remember?

    <jdoc:include joomla! />

    Thats why I don't like hannacode or something similar.
    Except with images I would like to have option to give customers simple tags to put images in a textfield.
    Diogos Module seemed to be a good and simple way to put an image in a textarea in PW-Surrounding. Thanks :)
    I customized it for my use and want to share it.

    It works in PW 2.4. Didn't tested it with other Versions.


    • includes an image-tag in the Textfield by using [[fieldname(optional),number(optional),class(optional)]]
    • if using this module Names of Imagefields shouldn't start with a number
    • If a class (CSS) is added Fieldname and/or Number and/or leading Comma is mandatory
    •  Comma is mandatory from two Parameters and up

    Look at the Examples for easy understanding.


    • [[]]   matches the first or only one picture in the first or only one image-field if exists
    • [[images]]   matches the first or only one picture in the named image-field
    • [[4]]   matches the fourth picture in the first or only one image-field
    • [[3,left]]   matches the third picture in the first or only one image-field and adds the class left
    • [[,right]]   matches the first or only one picture in the first or only one image-field and adds the class left
    • [[images,3,top]]   matches the third picture in the image-field named 'images' and adds the class top

    I replaced the single curled brackets with double square brackets to keep brackets usable.
    In contrast to Diogos Module here it's not possible to set more than one image within one tag. (never needed a list of images in a textarea)
    Adding an optional class was important for me.
    I am thinking about integration of resizing.


    EDIT: 06/09/15 updated configurable version go here

    • Like 4
  5. The Image field is the next one on the list to make multi-language capable, so should be within the next major version of ProcessWire.


    since I am quite happy with PW 2.4 I kindly ask if there is any progress for the multi-language-image-description-field?

    I tried to make it by myself but it goes too deep in the sourcecode so that I decided to keep my hands off.

    • Like 1
  6. redirect from topic:

    I have tried to change the title fieldtype from Title to TitleLanguage in PW 2.4

    got Error: Exception: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'field_title.data1019' in 'field list' (in /wire/core/DatabaseQuery.php line 86)

    Hi, I am using PHP 5.4.24, 5.6.10 MySQL and Master PW 2.4. The Error happens if I want to switch any existing field to the Multilanguage Version AFTER I had installed the new language. It works if I do it the other way round. In the case of the title field, which is not deletable I added the specific language column like 'data1019' manually to the database table.

  7. Hi, I am using PHP 5.4.24, 5.6.10 MySQL and Master PW 2.4. The Error happens if I want to switch any existing field to the Multilanguage Version AFTER I had installed the new language. It works if I do it the other way round. In the case of the title field, which is not deletable I added the specific language column like 'data1019' manually to the database table.

  8. Thanks for a useful module. I am using it for a german/ european website. I added two output format options:

    {+[phoneCountry] }{[phoneAreaCode] }{[phoneNumber]}{-[phoneExtension]} /* Germany DIN5008, 'phone Extension' ≙ 'Durchwahl'*/
    {+[phoneCountry] }{[phoneAreaCode] }{[phoneNumber]}{[phoneExtension]} /* International Telecommunication Union, ITU E.123  */

  9. Welcome motionmindz,

    you have two install options:
    1) Go to setup/Modules Manager (if module: 'Modules Manager' is installed) and click 'refresh', then choose from the list 'Flash MP3 Player' and click 'install'.Done.

    2) conventional install (choosed by you?)

    Check if all the following files exists under the path: site/modules/Audio_MP3/


    Check if you have file-access to these files?

    Go to: admin/modules , click 'Check for New Modules', select from the list (under the headline 'Audio') 'Audio MP3', click install. Done.

    Tell me if the problem still exists.

  10. If you are still looking for a nice solution. Let PHP do the work for you. Try this: PHP Tidy (its included in PHP5)


    $html = '<ul><li><h2>Chaos</h2><p>here comes the stuff</p><li><h2>Philosohie</h2><p>I love nice source code</p></li><li><h2>next Listpoint</h2><p>Help, got lost in indentation</p></ul>';
    $tidy_options = array('indent' => 3,'output-xhtml' => true);
    $tidy = new tidy();
    $tidy->parseString($html, $tidy_options);
    $body = $tidy->body();
    // Output
    echo $tidy;
    /* Output
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
              here comes the stuff
              I love nice source code
              next Listpoint
              Help, got lost in indentation

    more Information:


    • Like 4
  11. @ryan
    Module requires ProcessLanguageTranslator which is part of ProcessLanguageSupport. No effect on the error. Do you recommend to change that? Why?

    tried out all options. Still get the Error without changing the following.

    class ProcessLanguageTranslatorPlus extends ProcessLanguageTranslator { ...

    Error occurs because the class to be extended couldn't be found. How to prevent from an Error if a downloaded module extends a non existing or not installed class? Any experiences?

  12. @soma
    thanks for your help
    in debugging. bug fixed.

    Got the following Error while trying to install the module via modules manager without required installation:

    Error: Class 'ProcessLanguageTranslator' not found (line 21 of /Users/c/Sites/processwire/sitet/modules/ProcessLanguageTranslatorPlus/ProcessLanguageTranslatorPlus.module)

    Installation via admin > modules is impossible(disabled) without required Installations.

    How can I fix this?


  13. I have different languages in the backend, a template with a field of type float. I cannot save a float in other languages (polish and german) than default (english). The floats are rounded to full integer value and stored like this.

    added 30 October 2013 09:37 AM
    To prevent language troubles I am using a workaround now:
    input type text instead of float with a regex (settings > pattern):


    For validation of a weight of max. 10,000 kg (9999.999 kg) with max. 3 decimal places, only the dot is allowed as seperator.


  14. I got it:
    I made the summary in my modules translatable like:
    'summary' => __('Here comes the text'),

    This function does a second entity encoding.

    Is it useful to edit the following line in ProcessModule.module to prevent from double encoding?

    Line 128:

                $summary = empty($info['summary']) ? '' : htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars_decode($info['summary']));
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