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Everything posted by FvG

  1. Why is it crazy? I just re-built the event and news systems which took me about 4 hours each in CodeIgniter in about 40 minutes using PW. The system is great, though I have some problems with my nav. I want it to show almost all pages of my site, excluding the children of news/ and events/. This is how I started: function nav(Pages $pages) { $root = $pages->get('/'); echo '<li><a href="'.$root->url.'">'.$root->title.'</a></li>'; navElement($root); } function navElement(Page $site) { $sites = $site->children; foreach ($sites as $site) { echo '<li><a href="'.$site->url.'">'.$site->title.'</a>'; if ($site->numChildren) { echo '<ul>'; navElement($site); echo '</ul>'; } echo '</li>'; } } // And then use nav($pages); How would you to that? I thought about something like $hideChildren = array(1010, 1011); // ... if ($site->numChildren and ! in_array($site->id, $hideChildren)) An other way would be just to hide those pages but I want to keep them searchable and I think there's no way to auto-hide sites of a specific template, is there? Thanks for Processwire and your help
  2. Maybe something like parent=/section_two/?
  3. BCrypt is just fine, didn't see this as I'm just dealing with the stable release
  4. Hey guys, I'm really new to Processwire, found it like two days ago but already love it I just had a look at the wire folder and came across the userAuthHashType in config.php. This is set to sha1 which is not too secure, it would be good to use a different hashing method. If I'm right version 2.4 (?) will make use of all these nice PHP 5.3+ features, as well as Composer. PHP 5.4 will fight bad password hashing providing a password_hash() function, until then it might be good to use the ircmaxell/password_compat library. What do you think?
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