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Marcel Koch

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Everything posted by Marcel Koch

  1. Schneller als Powerpoint: Präsentationen mit #Markdown erstellen #slides #presentation https://t.co/1INP6UaAE5

  2. RT @coderbyheart: Very sensible and simple rules that help making #remote work "work", via @lightling https://t.co/RXU8tLmYsv

  3. Made my first experiences with #swagger and #apiblueprint. I haven’t thought I’d prefer API Blueprint but it’s true.

  4. Hey Ryan, the respective language is chosen within the browser like it is chosen for all menu entries. From my point of view this is the best thing which can be done. Besides, we have the same behaviour with the input type "file". We don't have any access to the text of the button. In English it's "Choose File", in German it's "Durchsuchen". Regarding the support of the HTML5 datpicker: I would prefer a Graceful Degradation to show that it is important to support those features. We can do it right now. Why should we wait? Regards Marcel
  5. Cloudbasierter TV-Anbieter Magine startet in Deutschland http://t.co/SH2WV5ql3A

  6. 200 Ranking-Faktoren: So steht auch deine Site bei Google weit oben [infografik] http://t.co/FUKy3ccwGJ

  7. In eigener Sache: Golem.de öffnet sich für Autoren - Golem.de http://t.co/zM6f4W8HZX #like

  8. Does someone know how to get the #Facebook News as #RSS Feed?

  9. Psychologische Schlüsselbegriffe: Eigenverantwortung #podcast http://t.co/XqSfExw5sP

  10. #HTML5: Erste Schritte mit dem Template-Tag http://t.co/RUCiWiSbLA

  11. Geeksphone Keon im Hands On: Geheimfavorit Firefox OS - Golem.de http://t.co/ERms4pMUDK

  12. 2013 Best Logo Designs + Trends & Inspiration Showcase | JUST™ Creative http://t.co/rXWLkGFax1

  13. http://t.co/hbYvbw42CA Stau wurde soeben gemeldet auf A661. Meine Laune: glücklich, http://t.co/ydXRevDwYT mit @waze - Social GPS.

  14. Trends in interactive design 2013 http://t.co/bpouXIy4Mx

  15. "Building a more programmable #web with #webhooks" http://t.co/hWFSKNKUOz I guess it's just #restful ;)

  16. In höchster Qualität: 44 kostenlose Fonts für kreative Gestalter - http://t.co/quuVYE6k67 | via @drwebmagazin #font

  17. From my perspective the implementation of the Datetime field should take care about if the native Datepicker is available using a Feature Detection. See http://diveintohtml5.info/detect.html#input-types In cases the native datepicker is not available the jquery UI plugin should be assigned. If it is supported leave the plugin assigment. What do you think? Thanks in advance Marcel
  18. OOP In JavaScript: What You NEED to Know | JavaScript is Sexy http://t.co/XBmYMaPOuG

  19. #handbrake #osx #libdvdcss #64bit The direct link to the latest is outdated. There correct one is http://t.co/h6pWLjA89R

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