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Everything posted by Roope

  1. I remember that I read something about this earlier but can't find any info now when it's needed. I would like to drop some parent page names from URL structure but don't know how to do this. Tree is like this: - Products - Vendor - Product 1 And sysytem default URL for product page: /products/vendor/product-1/ How can I setup templates so that I could have product page URL: /products/product-1/ Or simpy: /product-1/
  2. Is it possible to make translation file that would override default field label names? For example if I want't to use Finnish as default language for most of my sites, it would be killer to have Finnish label names included in my language pack so I don't have to rename same title labels on every install.
  3. Thanks Ryan! This got work done perfectly. There's still one thing I can't get figured out. With InputfieldPageAutocomplete in module config I can set parent_id and template_id to limit results. How could I configure it so that all admin pages plus the ones limited in $this->exclude_tpls config would be left out from results? I get what I want by using InputfieldAsmSelect but I think InputfieldPageAutocomplete would fit much better here: $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldAsmSelect'); $f->label = 'Exclude in pages'; $f->attr('name', 'exclude_pages'); $f->attr('value', $this->exclude_pages); $home = $this->pages->get("/"); $pages = $home->children; $pages->prepend($home); foreach ($pages as $p) { if (!in_array($p->template->id, $this->exclude_tpls)) { $f->addOption($p->id, $p->name); } } $inputfields->add($f);
  4. Is there a reason why $field->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedBlank; works as expected with InputfieldAsmSelect but does nothing with InputfieldCheckbox in module config?
  5. OK, ASMSelect did the job perfectly. Thanks! Another question: In Hello world example module admin pages are restricted by: if($page->template == 'admin') return; $template array also holds another admin pages like role and user so is there some easy way skip these in loop without naming all of them? foreach ($this->templates as $t) { if ($t != 'admin') { // !in_array($t, array(admin,role,user)); is this proposed way? $f->addOption($t->id, $t->name); } } I just need same template names that are visible on Setup > Templates.
  6. ProcessWire Email Obfuscation (EMO) Download | GitHub Email Obfuscation module for email addresses with 64 base crypting. This module finds all plaintext emails and email links from the document and replaces them with span elements including configurable replace text. All the addresses are encoded to 64 base strings and stored in spans data attributes. Then on client side we decode these strings back to their original state. Install Create new 'EmailObfuscation' folder into /site/modules/ and place the content of this repository into the directory. Login to processwire and go to Modules page and click 'Check for new modules'. Find 'EmailObfuscation' and click install. You can make optional configuration changes in the module admin page. Thanks This is a ProcessWire module fork from MODX Evolution plugin emo E-Mail Obfuscation. http://modx.com/extras/package/emoemailobfuscation EDITED ON: 2013-03-03 - Added description. 2020-04-16 - Fixed GitHub links and updated description. Hello all. Just found PW few days ago and it's already looking awesome! Here comes first contribute and some questions for developing it further. There was one existing email obfuscator on reposity that didn't use any crypting for addresses so I decided to do a little test run and port the one that we currenly use with MODX Evo to ProcessWire module. I'd like to make PageAutocomplete like gonfigure option to admin so that one could select and set templates to exclude module action. It looks like autocomplete is tied to pages and since templates are not set to system as pages this is option is no go, am I right?
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