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Everything posted by heybran

  1. @netcarver Thanks for the update. I've deleted my staging site already, but I think it will work (I missed the `package` button before on the web interface, that's why I was confused). Will try it out on the organization's server next time if I get an chance to take a look at their production site.
  2. Hello @netcarver, thanks for the heads-up, I will keep in mind. Although I don't see any button that allows me to edit my initial post, that's why I follow up with that comment yesterday. Is there something I missed about how to edit post? Thanks
  3. I've SSH into server and run: `php applications/{appname}/public_html/site/modules/Duplicator/cron.php` and it seems to work.
  4. Hi, New to ProcessWire and definitely new to Duplicator, I'm helping a non-profit organization to backup their site, but when I click submit inside Duplicator module, no error is thrown so I think it looks good, but also no success indicator that the backup is started or in process. I'm on Duplicator version 1.5.2 Wondering if anyone has previously recorded an video tutorial to backup ProcessWire site with Duplicator? Thanks, Brandon
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