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About drilonb

  • Birthday 01/28/1986

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  1. Hello i want to ask if somebody else has a problem with Fredi on Front end, Issue is i have users which they use template "user" and role "manager" with page edit access also on template configuration, worked well on version 2.4 after upgrading on 2.5 i cannot edit user pages on front end, only pages they use use template "user" even they have access to edit on template also on role, other templates works well on front end example project they can edit with fredi but not "user" any idea ? Thanks,
  2. I just tried this one http://www.domain.com/download.php?pageid=&file=../logs/messages.txt you can download stuff under logs Other 2 on top didn't work... Thanks.
  3. And this is for Nginx location ~ ^/site(-[^/]+)?/assets/(.*\.pdf|.*\.zip|.*\.doc|.*\.docx|.*\.xls|.*\.xlsx|.*\.rar|)$ { deny all; } Thanks for this great post
  4. Yes I tried also today with FastCGI dosen't work admin sometimes render sometimes not i just switched to CGI stable and works everything
  5. I just like to add work code, if some one have a problem to make it work, after install the Module. This code is for parent page when the city map or address will show all children inside map, echo "\n\n<div id='map1'></div>"; //div to show in template map $js = "<script type='text/javascript'>"; $js .= "RCDMap.options.zoom = 2;"; $js .= "RCDMap.init('map1', 0, 0);"; foreach($page->children as $items) { $js .= "\nRCDMap.addMarker('{$items->title}', '{$items->url}', {$items->map->lat}, {$items->map->lng});"; } $js .= "RCDMap.fitToMarkers();"; $js .= "</script>"; echo $js; Here is code for a single page for city, hotels, or what ever u want to use it, echo "<div id='map'></div>"; //div to show in template map $js = "<script type='text/javascript'>"; $js .= "RCDMap.options.zoom = 10;"; $js .= "RCDMap.init('map', {$page->map->lat}, {$page->map->lng});"; $js .= "RCDMap.addMarker('{$page->title}', '', {$page->map->lat}, {$page->map->lng});"; $js .= "</script>"; echo $js; CSS #map { width: 100%; height: 300px; margin: 1em 0; } #map1 { width: 100%; height: 500px; margin: 1em 0; } JS <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.di.net/almanac/site/templates/scripts/RCDMap.js"></script> /*this is from Ryan you can put it in your folder*/ Thanks to RYAN,
  6. You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new.

  7. I download from this link and u will get new version 2.2.7 https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/zipball/master
  8. Dear Process Wire (Ryan Cramer) I was thrilled when I heard the news for this module! Best of luck in your new modules. I hope this is just the start of many more successes to come. Regards, PS: now i am using this form with License its really easy to use and work with it,
  9. I think its not same like in web here http://free4network.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/best-cms-processwire/ I know just one thing every one who start developing with ProcessWire will fall in love with it.
  10. drilonb

    A few sites

    I am creazy in Almanac of Architecture & Design this site look tooo full with content i love it and i love processwire template on it great work.
  11. Can you try something like this ... for a CentOS server, I needed to change the AllowOverride setting in the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/virtualhosts.conf httpd.conf before: Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None httpd.conf after: Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All PS, if you have a same trouble with httpd you can try tuxlite script shell to make it easy for you and your virtual hosts in feature !if you have a VPS or DEDICATED server ... i use it, all my processwire sites work great,
  12. And i use LiteSpeed and i dont have any trouble with PW works perfect i use it till from 2011, BR
  13. drilonb

    Dafina D

    This is for javascript to scroll content for pages those pictures all are pages not Images in one page, if i remove # link will break and work wrong, here a example code: <?php $children = $page->children("sort=-sort"); foreach($children as $portfolio) { $image = $portfolio->images->first(); $thumb = $image->size(0, 450); echo" <article id={$portfolio->name} class=slide data-category=portfolio data-og-title='{$portfolio->title}'> <a href='#/{$portfolio->name}' class=slide-link> <img src='{$thumb->url}' alt='{$portfolio->title}'/> </a> <div class='titullifoto'>{$portfolio->title}</div> </article>"; U see " <article id={$portfolio->name} is same like <a href='#/{$portfolio->name}' just i add this to link #/ to work fine with java" java generate multiple articles and them need to define same like name where is the post and same for article id to show it in content ,
  14. drilonb

    Dafina D

    New web site with PW 2.1 - Portfolio, http://www.dafinad.com
  15. Yes i am using now your correction and this is nice and work good , for this i love PW because always have too many choices to work with it, Thanks Ryan,
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