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felix last won the day on September 16 2015

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About felix

  • Birthday 06/18/1981

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    Hannover, Germany
  • Interests
    My son, Electronic music, Coding, Design, Marketing

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Community Answers

  1. Hi Felix,

    FYI I'm thinking of reworking


    around Embera instead of Essence (which seems not to be being updated, and isn't php8-ready). I also have some ideas for overrides, e.g. I don't think X(itter) should be allowed a <script> outside of an IFRAME.

    Would you be interested in me doing this with a view to a PR back to your project? I'm fine either way - happy to start a new project/module, or happy to try to build on yours. If it is to be merged back into yours it will be a big rewrite of a small module!

    I wasn't clear re author, copyright and license. e.g. the code comment says Ryan Cramer and GPL2, but the readme says you and MIT. Did Ryan ever write any of this code? I think Glenn McLelland contributed too according to the commit log.

    If you are not interested in maintaining this any more, I'll probably start a new project, since some of the essence configuration options might not apply, etc. But if you are, and would welcome a PR then I'll try to do it that way with a view to contributing back to the community.

    Hope to hear from you.



  2. Hi Horst, would it be possible to implement a feature that overwrites the configuration variables (server, password...) from a config or .env File? We've got several sites that do auto-deployments to different servers based on the git branch that is used. Currently, when deploying the local development version to a staging system we're copying the dev database and need to adjust the settings by "hand" (we've written a script for that). Having a file based configuration would make it possible to just dump a file on the server and save the config variables in it.
  3. On a sidenote jwt is perfect when things need to "scale" (i.e. in a microservice architecture). Just share the secret across multiple instances and you don't have to care about syncing sessions and related data. The backend thus can be "stateless" (regarding logins) and just used to deliver data.
  4. I've just recently used barba.js when relaunching the frontend of https://www.priotas.de/ (a processwire based website). As teppo mentioned: That's pretty much what you're looking for.
  5. RT @HenrikJoreteg: Nobody wants your new app. Web FTW. https://t.co/SRXszRhwzM

  6. RT @Lord_Mandalore: Finally got banned from the flat earth discord by posting a forbidden image. https://t.co/soqRc00aAw

  7. You can configure procache to leave certain tags alone by either including them inside the "do not minify content within..." field or by placing <!-- NoMinify --> comments around it.
  8. ProcessWire (again) is featured in the c't: One of Germany's biggest and most renowned IT magazines. The article is about alternatives to WordPress. WordPress-Alternativen: CMS-Auswahl leicht gemacht
  9. Thanks Horst. It worked. I'll ping Ryan soon!
  10. Is there any chance that this module will be updated to work with 2.8.x?
  11. @DomainFactory gibt es grade Probleme mit dem Routing? Server sind pingbar, kommt aber nix vom webserver

  12. RT @Lady_Ada_King: Woah holy crap major speed improvements in some major libraries, including 527.09% improvement in THREE.js!! https://t.c…

  13. RT @zachleat: when the font-size is too small but they used maximum-scale=1 https://t.co/gr11m3xDYZ

  14. RT @glennular: Weeks of programming can save you hours of planning. #SoftwareDevelopment

  15. @hannover Ich hab’s versucht… :) https://t.co/Wd4foQ89lG

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