Hello everyone,
i currently start to use RockFrontend and I start with the starter profile.
the problem I discover is, when I remove in _init.php the less file loaded from the uikit folder, it gives me a 500 error. As I don't want to use the less file coz I have a custom uikit file in css, how can I achieve this?
namespace ProcessWire;
// Optional initialization file, called before rendering any template file.
// This is defined by $config->prependTemplateFile in /site/config.php.
// Use this to define shared variables, functions, classes, includes, etc.
$rf = rockfrontend();
// add the base uikit theme
// add default folders like /sections and /partials
// add the bundled tailwind utility classes
// minify on production
->minify($config->debug ? false : true);
// load uikit (without defer to avoid FOUC)
// load uikit (with defer to avoid FOUC)
->add('/site/templates/uikit/dist/js/uikit-icons.min.js', 'defer')
// load custom javascript of this project
->add('/site/templates/scripts/main.js', 'defer')
// minify on production
->minify($config->debug ? false : true);
For clarification I want to remove uikit.theme.less and replace it with this file:
namespace ProcessWire;
// Optional initialization file, called before rendering any template file.
// This is defined by $config->prependTemplateFile in /site/config.php.
// Use this to define shared variables, functions, classes, includes, etc.
$rf = rockfrontend();
// add the base uikit theme
// add default folders like /sections and /partials
// add the bundled tailwind utility classes
// minify on production
->minify($config->debug ? false : true);
// load uikit (without defer to avoid FOUC)
// load uikit (with defer to avoid FOUC)
->add('/site/templates/uikit/dist/js/uikit-icons.min.js', 'defer')
// load custom javascript of this project
->add('/site/templates/scripts/main.js', 'defer')
// minify on production
->minify($config->debug ? false : true);
Thank you