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nbcommunication last won the day on September 27 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Hi @DL7, I'm not sure what is causing this. We only use WireMailPostmarkApp on one install, although it is heavily used. The same line is present in WireMailgun, which we use extensively (100+ installs). None of these use FormBuilder though. Whenever I've gotten a similar error it has been after upgrading core files, and a refresh of the modules sorts it. That would be worth a try. I'd probably then look at a fresh PW install to see if it can be replicated. Cheers, Chris
  2. This module has now been removed from the directory.
  3. Hi @JayGee, My main concern with this approach would be usability for users that are the opposite of bots - e.g. older, less tech savvy users ("I tried to but I couldn't see the form") - but I think a text prompt with the captcha would remedy this. There might also be issues with cumulative layout shift, if this is a concern then rendering a placeholder of the size of the rendered form with the captcha sitting on top of that might solve that. What I would say is that if I were developing this, I probably wouldn't piggy back on this module and instead use it as a reference for another module written from scratch. This module is just a turnstile version of the MarkupGoogleRecaptcha module, built to facilitate an easy switch from using reCAPTCHA to Turnstile. That said, if it does what you need it to do for your use case then that's great! I do like the idea of only rendering the form once the captcha has been passed though, I'm sure there must be some UX research / opinion about this but couldn't find any with a quick search. Do let us know how you get on! Cheers, Chris
  4. Hi @benbyf, As in an example of this module working in production? Here's one if so: https://www.shetland.org/visit#block-links-21216 Cheers, Chris
  5. Hi @Stefanowitsch, Have you tried <?php nl2br($item->description); I expect the IG caption uses newlines, this would convert them to <br> tags. The module passes the caption through $sanitizer->entities1() which shouldn't remove the newlines as far as I'm aware. Cheers, Chris
  6. Hi, Unfortunately I discovered this morning that the token that is returned by the API expires after 60 days. This is the same as the previous API, but the documentation about generating tokens for this API didn't mention expiry or I wasn't aware of it while developing. Thankfully I've been able to use some of the code from the previous module for token renewal, and have released v1.1.0 of InstagramMediaDisplay which you need to upgrade to if you don't want an existing token to expire. It'll set the existing token to 'renews in 1 day' which triggers the token to be renewed on the next load. After this it should display in the module config as renews in 2 months. Once the token has 7 days left, it'll auto-renew. Cheers, Chris
  7. Hi, I've not tried this implementation before with any captcha module, so not sure why it would no longer work, but I would point out that we're still using @flydev's MarkupGoogleReCaptcha on many sites (front-end, v2) without issue, and the recent MarkupCloudflareTurnstile is effectively the same implementation, but with the CF captcha, so if it works for one, it should work for the other. Cheers, Chris
  8. Hi @Stefanowitsch, I've only rolled this out to clients where we already have access to the IG account. My expectation is that for the others we'll be doing it at a predetermined time with the client (e.g. a meeting) where they can provide us with temporary access (e.g. changing the password, then changing it back once we're done) and provide any auth codes if necessary. I agree, the process should be a lot simpler, and that's partly my approach to implementation and Meta's offering - I expect a simpler authentication process for the client would mean App Review for the developer and the headache involved with that. Cheers, Chris
  9. This module allows you to add Cloudflare's Turnstile CAPTCHA to your website, providing a user-friendly alternative to Google's reCAPTCHA. It is based on MarkupGoogleRecaptcha, allowing for easy switching between the two CAPTCHA systems. If MarkupGoogleRecaptcha is installed, some of its settings are used to configure Turnstile. https://github.com/nbcommunication/MarkupCloudflareTurnstile We've used reCAPTCHA for many years now but have found that it isn't as effective as it should be in reducing spam. It is also pretty annoying. We've recently switched a couple of our 'bigger' sites to use Turnstile (using this module) as the sites were on Cloudflare already. It is definitely a much friendlier captcha for users, still to determine whether it is better at preventing spam, but I expect it will be. Cheers, Chris
  10. It's done, just waiting on module approval. More info here: and here: https://github.com/nbcommunication/InstagramMediaDisplay Cheers, Chris
  11. Meta are disabling the Instagram Basic Display API on December 4th, 2024. After this point, the InstagramBasicDisplayApi module will no longer function. Meta do provide an API that can be used to access Instagram media, Instagram API with Instagram Login. Using this API I've been able to refactor InstagramBasicDisplayApi as a new module called InstagramMediaDisplay: https://github.com/nbcommunication/InstagramMediaDisplay The main caveat with using this module (and API) is that personal and/or private accounts cannot be used. If you try to generate an access token for a personal account, IG will prompt you to upgrade to a business account. As far as I'm aware this is still a free account, and the main limitation is that you cannot use licensed music in the same way you can on a personal account. I have access to various IG accounts, some personal, some business, and I've never noticed a difference. This new module is built to supersede InstagramBasicDisplayApi and its implementation is practically identical. Upgrading should simply be a case of installing, configuring your new Meta app, authorising the same account(s), and updating the call to the previous module to call this one: <?php // $instagram = $modules->get('InstagramBasicDisplayApi'); $instagram = $modules->get('InstagramMediaDisplay'); Cheers, Chris
  12. Hello, I've had a look at Instagram API with Instagram Login and initial results are pretty promising. I actually found it easier to set up the app and generate an access token, and the actual API is easier to work with too. It'll take a bit of work to create a new module for this API, but I should have something ready in plenty of time. Will update here once I have something. Cheers, Chris
  13. Hi @DV-JF, So the limitation is that it isn't for use by personal accounts? For our use cases, I think every one is a business (and should have a business account), so I'll still explore it, but I can understand that'll be frustrating for those using this module for personal projects. I don't think it takes much to switch to a business account - both the band accounts I have access to on Instagram are business accounts, I think it is just a case of specifying that? Or at least it was when these were set up years ago. Given the maze of Meta requirements it wouldn't surprise me if you need to submit yearly accounts to get a business account now... Cheers, Chris
  14. Hi @tomasanjosbarao, Thanks for letting us know. I'm not surprised! I'm going to investigate https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-platform/instagram-api-with-instagram-login to see if this will be usable for the same purpose, and if it is, will try and get a new module together before 4/12/24! Cheers, Chris
  15. Hi @DV-JF, I've just checked in on one of our sites using this module and its token has renewed again. I was definitely having issues with the FB/META/IG API stuff last week, so my preferred explanation is that there have been issues on that end that's prevented token generation and renewal. Are you still having an issue? Cheers, Chris
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