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bernhard last won the day on January 15

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    Vienna, Austria
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Community Answers

  1. @psy in admin.php you can do this (important!) before the final require() statement: $config->scripts->add($config->urls->templates . 'admin.js'); I think this should be the default: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-requests/issues/552 And if anybody created an admin tweak for it anybody could install it with a single checkbox: https://github.com/baumrock/RockAdminTweaks
  2. Ok thx I'll be working on a new RockPageBuilder project this week intensively so I'll try to reproduce this and let you know what I find or where I need more info. I'll keep you posted!
  3. Why is your RPB folder named RockFields and not RockPageBuilder? It might not be related to this issue, but it might cause others, so I'd recommend to change that! I'll have to look into your issue. It's definitely not what it should do. I think it might be related to the minify option. Can you try disabling that and report the result?
  4. Hey @herr rilke if you use LESS for blocks it will combine all to one CSS file. I plan to add such a feature to RockDevTools though, which is in the works.
  5. Hey @Jochen Fritsch thx for your question. This is unfortunately not possible ATM. LESS files are always parsed first. The reason is that there might be more then one less file to parse and then the module can not know where to put the final css file, so it will always put parsed CSS from less very first. You can use the LESS module standalone to create the CSS and then ->add() that to rockfrontend's styles. Or you just add all <link> tags to your main markup manually, which might be the best option πŸ™‚ I'm not really happy anymore with RockFrontend's asset features.
  6. Ok thx for your help! I'll come back to you πŸ™‚
  7. Hey @hellerdruck thx for your efforts! I'll look into this ASAP. I think I might have broken something in the recent RockMigrations updates. Could you try to remove RockMigrations and install v6.5.0 instead? https://github.com/baumrock/RockMigrations/releases
  8. Hey @boltwood welcome to the forum! Don't let that put you off! ProcessWire is a very powerful system and leaves it totally open what we as developers do with our data. Basically it has been a headless CMS since its beginning < 2010 just back then without anybody knowing what a headless CMS was and that this would become a hype more than a decade later... As a consequence of being so open and flexible, the learning curve might feel steep at first, but that's because you're learning a system that gives you real development freedom rather than forcing you into predefined patterns. Stick with it - many of us have made the switch from other systems and never looked back! Feel free to ask specific questions as you go along. This community is here to help you succeed and is usually very fast with helpful answers! πŸš€ PS: @Jonathan Lahijani has made some videos comparing Wordpress and ProcessWire side by side, which might be helpful:
  9. Hey @hellerdruck thx for your purchase and sorry for the trouble. I can't see your image unfortunately. Can you please upload it again and make sure it's visible?
  10. Ok not exactly an hour - took a bit longer than expected... as always πŸ™ˆπŸ˜… Here you go: Please grab v5.11.0 here https://www.baumrock.com/en/releases/rockpagebuilder/ And RTFM check out the docs here: https://www.baumrock.com/en/processwire/modules/rockpagebuilder/docs/settings/#adding-settings-globally Thx for the idea! Enjoy! πŸ™‚
  11. Thx. Please share exactly which field names you used and which db entries it created. That might save time when trying to duplicate it.
  12. Give me an hour before you start refactoring... πŸ˜‰
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