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Reading tutorials - 2 templates on the same page display(!) question


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I'm new here. Starting by tuts and having the same problem that Sito, 4 months ago, reported on the "hello world"'s comment section. I quote Sito:

Hello, just new to this CMS, and after following the tuts here I get a 'Earth' page but the with the Title & Content above the navigation menu...

What's happening is that pw just appends the home template stuff to the generated html page. Like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>

     <!-- here goes the expected generated page from the template planet.php from the "hello worlds" tut... -->

</html> <!-- ending here -->
<!DOCTYPE html>

     <!-- ... and here goes the home template stuff -->

</html> <!-- ending here -->

Doing the previous tut, I "solved" the problem replacing "echo" by adding the echoes to $content var, and the 2 templates fit nice together.  That works, sure, but:

- The child page always inherit parents template?

- I think that I should start my pw digging with "blank" template. Should I reinstall, or is it possible to change or kill the home's page template (for instance, something like killing all fields of template home?)

- Seems that I missed some ultrabasic reading. Can you point it to me?
Any suggestion are welcome,



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