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Sort based on original sort order of a page field


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I'm having a issue, where I need to find all the artwork, but have it sort based on the artistpage, but its doing it based on the alphabetically ordering, not the actual ordering of all my artistpages, which I have dragged into a specific order.

$pages->find('template=artwork, sort=artistpage');

I've checked to make sure "sort" is not set under any children for anything.

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I think it's expected behaviour.

Here's a quote from the site:

There is a reserved-word for selectors called "sort" and it may be used to specify what order should be returned by the matches. Here is an example of it's usage:

That essentially says to sort the results by their "title" field, A-Z. If we want to reverse the sort, we just precede "title" with a minus sign, like this:


That would return results sorted by the "title" field, Z-A.

Don't know how to make it work the way you need it though :huh:

Edit: Just had to read a little further :)

Use this:


Edit 2: Nevermind, I have to sleep more :)

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