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if user has role then do some styling


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I'm sure this is about to be one of those head banging moment which I suffer so much, but I'm trying to add some styling to a row if the user identified on that row has the 'du' role.

At the moment every row styles as success but you'll see from the table that shouldn't be the case.

<table class="table table-striped">
			<th>Visit Date</th>
			<th>User Roles</th>
			<th>User Name</th>
			<th>Page ID </th>
			<th>DMC Page</th>
		$durole = "du"; // this is the role that I want highlighted in the rows
		foreach($page->visit_log as $visit_log_item) {
		$username = $users->get($visit_log_item->user_id) ;
		$pagename = $pages->get($visit_log_item->page_id);
			if ($username->hasRole($durole)) { $row = "success"; } else { $row = "info" ;} // if the user has the durole which is called du the the table row should be success else info
		echo "<tr class='$row'>";
		echo "<td>$visit_log_item->date</td>";
		echo "<td>{$username->roles}</td>";
		echo "<td>{$username->name}</td>";
		echo "<td>$visit_log_item->page_id</td>";
		echo "<td>{$pagename->name}</td>";
		echo "<td>{$pagename->DMC_country_represented->name}</td>";
		echo "</tr>";

2014-08-05	37|38	david	1312	aim-group-austria	austria
2014-08-05	37|2107	agent	1100	belgium-dmc-incentive-conference-and-event-management	belgium
2014-08-05	37|38	david	1312	aim-group-austria	austria
2014-08-05	37|38	david	1312	aim-group-austria	austria
2014-08-05	37|2107	agent	1228	green-route-south-africa	south-africa
2014-08-05	37|2107	agent	1228	green-route-south-africa	south-africa
2014-08-05	37	guest	1165	risbecker-norway	norway
2014-08-05	37	guest	1223	unitours-maroc-morocco	morocco
2014-08-05	37	guest	1343	tour-east-indonesia	indonesia
2014-08-05	37	guest	1294	incentive-travel-meetings-atlanta-usa-atlanta	atlanta

role 'du' has a page id of 1067 which isn't included in any of the above users

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Thanks anyway. Got there like this in the end..  think it works:)

<table class="table table-striped">
			<th>Visit Date</th>
			<th>User Roles</th>
			<th>User Name</th>
			<th>Page ID </th>
			<th>DMC Page</th>
		$durole = "du"; // this is the role that I want highlighted in the rows
		$agentrole = "agent";
		foreach($page->visit_log as $visit_log_item) {
		$username = $users->get($visit_log_item->user_id) ;
		$pagename = $pages->get($visit_log_item->page_id);
			if ($username->hasRole($durole)) { $row = "info"; } elseif ($username->hasRole($agentrole)) { $row = "danger" ;} // if the user has the durole which is called du the the table row should be success else info
		echo "<tr class='$row'>";
		echo "<td>$visit_log_item->date</td>";
		echo "<td>{$username->roles}</td>";
		echo "<td>{$username->name}</td>";
		echo "<td>$visit_log_item->page_id</td>";
		echo "<td>{$pagename->name}</td>";
		echo "<td>{$pagename->DMC_country_represented->name}</td>";
		echo "</tr>";
		$row = "active";

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