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Image field - if else


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Is there a way to remove the existing image attached to that field, because what happens now is that after if a user changes his profile pic with another, it always references the first one. Is there a way to remove the original and replace with with newly uploaded one?

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Ah. The thing is, I just tested now again, that when you use current user object $user

echo $user->avatar->first->url; // will be an array of type Pageimages

It will always be an array, cause no output formatting for the $user.

BUT if you load the user via API, it's different...

$u = $users->get("username");
echo $u->avatar->url; // will be single object of type Pageimage

cause output formatting is now on.

Got it? ;D

(I sometimes think it would be easier and less confusing if this output formatting behaviour wasn't there for images.)

Is there a way to remove the existing image attached to that field, because what happens now is that after if a user changes his profile pic with another, it always references the first one. Is there a way to remove the original and replace with with newly uploaded one?


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thanks all for the very helpful comments, you guys are really making this CMS amazing. Hopefully one day I will be able to help new users myself.  :)

My final code for the avatar display:

//Load the user via API 
$u = $users->get($username);

//Will be single object of type Pageimage
$avatar = $u->avatar;

//Check if avatar field is empty and assigns default image 
  if ($u->avatar->url){
        $thumb = $avatar->size(142);
        $avatar_thumb .= "<img class='img-rounded img-responsive' src='{$thumb->url}'' alt='{$avatar->description}'' />"; 
    else {
        $avatar_thumb .= "<img class='img-rounded img-responsive' src='{$config->urls->templates}/styles/images/bom-mashien.png' alt='BOMmachine' />"; 

<div class="user-image">
    <?php echo $avatar_thumb; ?>

Avatar upload Image:

// Upload avatar settings
    $upload_path = $config->paths->assets . "files/avatar_uploads/"; 
    $f = new WireUpload('avatar'); //avatar is the name of the input-file field
    $f->setValidExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'));

// Process code if form_submit is issued
if($input->post->form_submit) {

    if(!wireMkdir($upload_path)) { throw new WireException("No upload path!");

    $files = $f->execute(); 
    if ($f->getErrors()) {    
      foreach($files as $filename) @unlink($upload_path . $filename);
      foreach($f->getErrors() as $e) echo $e;
    } else {
      $user->avatar = $upload_path . $files[0];
      @unlink($upload_path . $files[0]);
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