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Prevent data saving for Fieldtype

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I'm building a Fieldtype with multiple columns. ( DB structure on the end of the post )

How do I prevent data saving with the API when saving to $page->fieldname and set an wireException ?

I only want to allow saving for subfields:
$page->fieldname->data_one = 'value1'; (data column will be used for this one)
$page->fieldname->data_two = 'value2';
Disallow this: 
$page->fieldname = 'bad for me';
// DB Structure

CREATE TABLE `field_myfield` (
  `pages_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `data` mediumtext NOT NULL,
  `data_two` mediumtext NOT NULL,
  `data_int_one` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `data_int_two` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`pages_id`),
  KEY `data_int_one` (`data_rows`),
  KEY `data_int_two` (`data_columns`),
  FULLTEXT KEY `data` (`data`),
  FULLTEXT KEY `data_two` (`data_one`)
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You should be able to do this with sanitizeValue(). My experience with fieldtypes is very scarce, but AFAIK that's what this method is for :)

Edit: unless you're already using it as a base for your own fileldtype, take a look at how sanitizeValue() of FieldtypeEvents works. That pretty much explains it, I think. If you don't like the value, throw exception.

I'm not entirely sure if it's possible to entirely disable setting value via API though, if that's what you're after -- i.e. giving $page->yourfield a value that's an instance of the object it expects -- without disabling page edits etc. too.

Edited by teppo
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I already have the logic in place for all other scenario's, using $value->isChanged('sub-field-name'), 

The only thing I don't catch right now is the scenario I want to have (prevent save). I will take a look at this. I think you get me started !

Thanks Teppo,

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Now I can't save data from the API side to the field.

I moved all data around put most logic in sanitizeValue()

On the admin side, the processInput() is handling the trackChange, so sanitizeValue knows how to kick in.

Now if I try to populate data from the API side, trackChanges are never fired, and I don't know where to fire those.

Who can give me a clue ? ( I did studied the FieldtypeMapMarker, eventfield fieldtypePhone )

source on github


trackChange is fired, but while saving with the API the InputField is ignored. In my case the Inputfield sets some variables. 

So when I save through the API, some variables are not set, and thus I know the API is saving, not the InputField.

Edited by Martijn Geerts
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