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Processwire on Google Compute, App Engine & Cloud


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Google's Compute & App Engine are definitely stealing some headlines recently. I was curious if anyone had attempted to run Processwire from it? After doing some research, it appears it handles WordPress perfectly fine so I do not see any reason Processwire could not operate on it as well.

Since Processwire crushes WordPress in the way it performs, scales and handles data. I think having the power of Google's servers to serve your app/website, could really be beneficial for those running into storage/bandwidth issues.

Some other thoughts or opinions on this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, sounds very interesting. I'd be interested to know if anyone gets the chance to try this. You are right that if it runs WordPress, it should also be able to run ProcessWire... assuming they haven't built it around WordPress or something. 

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  • 1 year later...

This is really cool! I would love to throw a site up to see how it runs. Thanks for the heads up.

**Runs amazingly well, the only trick is they use buckets like amazon and the server only uses a 10gb fixed partition. Never have been able to figure out how to get that to work, guess I could symlink the /site directory like I do on my dev boxes. 

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