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PagePaths error


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Hello guys,

I decided to give the PagePaths module a try and installed it. But PW keeps saying

Error:     Exception: Operator '~=' is not supported for path or url unless
you install the PagePaths module. (in
/var/www/docs/wire/core/PageFinder.php line 625) 

each time I try something like "echo $pages->get("url~=/wallpapers/page4")->id;"

Is there anything else I should look into? I am sensing that the PW core is not aware that I have the module installed.

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Page numbers are runtime directives like URL segments, not part of the actual page's path. Consider what you see in the tree in the admin–those are the pages. As a result, you shouldn't try to retrieve a page with a page number in it–leave that part off. Next thing is that I'm not positive about the ~= operator in this context. You might need to use %= or *=. 

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