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Business Hours Input

Ryan Pierce

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How have you all dealt with gathering business hours / blocks of time?

I'm looking to visually show whether a business is open or closed and I can't seem to think of a straightforward way of setting up fields to get this info, especially since some business have different hours on different days while others are open at the same time daily.

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I wouldn't go too fancy about this.

Perhaps simply a repeater with two fields: day and hours

so they can add multiple day/hours pairs. (Edit: one simple textfield would suffice in this case too, seperate days and hours with some parsable seperator (for visual seperation in the front end), each pair seperated by new lines)

Another idea would be you have a repeater with four fields for each repeater item:

begin_day (Select field (PageField) with the 7 given days)

end_day (Select field (PageField) with the 7 given days - optional for a span of days)

begin_time (integer field)

end_time (integer field)

format the stuff accordingly in the template

so they can very flexible enter anything here

Mon-Tue: 7am-8pm

Wed: 10am-4pm

Thu-Sat: 10am-10pm

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As I said I would not go too fancy on this, because many businesses show their hours in very obscure and user unfriendly way. Why show periods or series of days with same hours and weird combinations of both when you simple can list each day with respective hours? I sometimes find it incredibly annoying when I just want to know if something open today or tomorrow and first have to decipher (even if its only a second).

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I sometimes find it incredibly annoying when I just want to know if something open today or tomorrow and first have to decipher (even if its only a second).

I completely agree. My goal on this project is to be able to just show something like "Open until 2pm" depending on the day. So I'm trying to find a way where I can query all business hours and give a list of which are open right now.

I'm thinking the page select idea might be the way to go here. Maybe a repeater with all days of the week as checkboxes and then pair that with the open and close hours. That way you can just add as many repeaters as there are different open / close hours. Does this sound like a good direction to head so that everything is query-able? 

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