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Change of field type -- loses tag?


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I just started making use of field type tags, and noticed that, when changing the field type from one to another (integer to float, for example), it loses the associated tag.

Is this intended behavior, or a bug?  I could see why you'd want to unset the tag when you change the field type, but it also seems logical that you'd want to keep it grouped the same.



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The behavior is intended. When you change a field's type, it throws out everything about that field's configuration except what you see on the "Basics" tab. This is to ensure the field is starting fresh with its new type. I think it's safe and feasible that we could have it remember the tags too, but also don't want to introduce too much ambiguity about what is/isn't saved. So if we go that route in the future, the tags would get moved to the basics tab. 

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